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In this issue…
♦ Unlocking the human brain… ♦ The myth of multitasking…
♦ Brainworks… shattered myths about “the forgotten organ”
♦ Fascinating brain facts…. ♦ Avoiding Alzheimer’s…
♦ Feeding your miraculous brain… ♦ Product spotlight… MindWorks
♦ Tips to improve your memory naturally…
♦ Eliminate “winter skin” forever! ♦ Shaklee skin care tips…
“Contrary to the belief of some people, brain work DOES require a great deal of energy. This is why oxygen is so essential to the thinker. Then, too, brain cells consume a great deal of the blood sugar. As with all other cells, they must be supplied with protein, vitamins, and minerals, PLUS an unsaturated fat… LECITHIN. There is about 3 times as much lecithin found in brain cells as in any other type of cell in the body.”
~ Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee, Sr.
Unlocking the human brain…
In the mid 1700s, a British philosopher referred to the brain as “an ingenious system of vibrating hollow tubes,” not unlike a church pipe organ.
Until recently, little was known about the functioning of the brain compared to other organs such as the heart, kidneys and liver. Why? The human brain was simply unavailable for examination except during necessary surgery, or after a death had occurred. Protected and cloaked by the skull, it could not be easily probed or observed.
With the advent of computerized tomography (CT) scans, positron-emission tomography (PET) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), single photon emission-computed tomography (SPECT) scans, and other technological innovations, clear images of the brain and its functioning have emerged.
Neuroscientists now know the brain is an organ of astonishing flexibility!
The myth of multitasking…
According to the DENT Neurologic Institute, “Multitasking is impossible. When we think we’re multitasking, we’re actually context-switching. That is, we’re quickly switching back-and-forth between different tasks, rather than doing them at the same time. The book Brain Rules explains how detrimental “multitasking” can be: Research shows your error rate goes up 50 percent and it takes you twice as long to do things.”
Brainworks… shattered myths about “the forgotten organ”
Contrary to popular beliefs, your brain is actually growing and changing all the time! In fact, many long-held notions about the brain have been recently discarded. Beliefs like…
♦ The size and potential of your brain is predetermined genetically and there’s no way you can change it.
♦ Adult brains lose thousands of cells per day that can never be replaced.
♦ The brain is not affected by diet.
…are now known to be patently false!
In fact, the brain changes constantly. It continually produces new dendrites and receptors, grows new synapses, and even grows brand new cells!
Nutrition for… the “forgotten” organ
Psychiatrist Turan Itil, former clinical professor of medicine at New York University stated, “Unquestionably, the brain is our most precious physical possession, the seat of our entire being… our intelligence, personality, our humanity, our mind, and soul. Nothing is more central to a successful and fulfilling life than an optimally functioning brain. Failure to achieve a brain’s full intellectual, creative, and emotional potential is a personal tragedy for millions of people, handicapping them from birth to death. Losing one’s mind, from psychiatric diseases, nutritional ignorance, and premature aging, is the worst blow to our dignity as human beings. Yet the brain has received phenomenally little nutritional attention or intervention. For years the brain has been ‘the forgotten organ.’”
Fascinating brain facts….
⇒⇒ An adult brain weighs about 3 pounds.
⇒⇒ About 75 percent of the brain is made up of water. Dehydration, even in small amounts, can have a disastrous negative effect on brain functions.
⇒⇒ The human brain contains approximately one hundred billion neurons.
⇒⇒ It is a myth that humans only use 10 percent of our brain. We actually use all of it.
⇒⇒ Headaches are caused by a chemical reaction in your brain combined with the muscles and nerves of your neck and head.
⇒⇒ The fastest speed for information to pass between neurons is about 250 mph.
⇒⇒ The brain interprets pain signals sent to it, but it cannot actually feel pain.
⇒⇒ The human brain gets smaller as we get older.
⇒⇒ Your brain uses 20 percent of the oxygen and blood in your body.
⇒⇒ Your brain’s storage capacity is virtually unlimited. The latest research shows that the brain’s memory capacity is a quadrillion, or 1015, bytes. Astoundingly, this is about the same amount needed to store the entire internet!
⇒⇒ Your brain weighs about three pounds. Sixty percent of the dry weight is fat, making the brain the most fatty organ in the body.
⇒⇒ Twenty-five percent of the body’s cholesterol resides within the brain. Cholesterol is an integral part of every brain cell. Without adequate cholesterol, brain cells die.
Avoiding Alzheimer’s…
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive condition that gradually decreases the amount of brain area available for cognitive function. It is a condition in which the build-up of plaques in the brain tissue causes neurons to be unable to perform usual functions. The neurons can’t communicate with other areas, and they begin to die, resulting in significant memory loss.
While there’s yet no definitive way to prevent Alzheimer’s, certain supplements can help keep your brain as healthy as possible:
OmegaGuard. Omega-3 fatty acids prevent brain cell damage and lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s primarily by controlling chronic inflammation.
Sustained Release VitalMag. Evidence shows that higher brain levels of magnesium in the brain improve Alzheimer’s sympt
Turmeric Boost. The potent antioxidant curcurmin from turmeric is one of the most powerful natural brain protecting substances ever documented. Curcumin boosts overall cognitive function and has recently been shown to be an effective antidepressant.
Vita-D3. Vitamin D levels are tied intimately to optimal brain function. It helps nourish brain glial cells that help damaged neurons.
B-Complex. B Vitamins are responsible for the creation and maintenance of cells in the brain and nervous system and can reduce the risk of Alzheimers.
Also important: Vita-E Complex and CoQHeart.
Feeding your miraculous brain…
Dr.Richard Wurtman, Professor Emeritus, Brain & Cognitive Sciences at MIT, states, “The ability of a meal’s composition to affect the production of brain chemicals distinguishes the brain from all other organs. The crucial compounds that regulate other organs are largely independent of whatever was in the last meal we ate… but not the brain.”
The good news is… your brain can be profoundly affected by the foods you eat. The bad news is… the average American diet is probably the most disastrous menu you can feed this remarkable organ.
Fortunately, we have Shaklee!
Supplements for your brain…
Life Shake or Energizing Soy Protein… stimulates neurons and makes neurotransmitters
Lecithin… regenerates sluggish brain cells; improves memory, speech and motor functions
Vita-E Complex… oxygenates brain cells and protects them from free radical damage.
CoQHeart… stops free radical damage; boosts brain cell regrowth
Vita-D3… fights depression and anxiety; improves memory
OmegaGuard… rich in DHA, the main building block of the brain
Mental Acuity Plus… contains ginkgo, bilberry, hawthorn, and B vitamins to enhance memory and decision making
B-Complex… fights mental confusion, memory loss, dementia, nerve damage, fatigue weakness, and depression
Zinc… enhances memory
VitalMag… supports the nervous system
Vivix… a potent antioxidant; retards brain aging
Product spotlight… MindWorks
Neural connections in our brains start declining as early as age 20, and by age 45, this decline occurs even more rapidly. MindWorks key nutrients have been shown in three clinical studies and dozens of laboratory studies to immediately enhance mental sharpness and focus and protect against age-related mental decline.
Enhances short-term memory
Guarana extract has been shown in clinical studies to significantly enhance short-term memory.
Sharpens focus
Guarana extract has been shown in clinical studies to sharpen focus 3x more than in a control group.
Improves reaction time
Guarana extract has been shown to improve reaction time and perk you up with less caffeine than a cup of decaf coffee.
Protects against age-related mental decline
Key ingredients have been shown to promote new neural connections and protect against mental decline.
Slows brain
shrinkage rate
The combination of B vitamins in MindWorks has been shown to reduce age-related brain shrinkage rate.
Supports healthy circulation
The unique chardonnay grape seed extract in MindWorks is rich in polyphenols that promote healthy circulation, which helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to the brain.
Tips to improve your memory naturally…
It is important to remember that your brain cells are especially precious because they are limited. Unlike the rest of the body, these cells are difficult to reproduce after they have been damaged or destroyed. Take care of your brain by following these tips:
Stay hydrated. Your brain is 73% water. It takes only 2% dehydration to affect your attention, memory and other cognitive skills. So… drink plenty of Get Clean Water.
Avoid excess alcohol consumption. The toxins present in alcohol can immediately begin to attack and impair body systems as well as different areas of the brain… especially the memory center.
Eat a balanced diet. Nutrition is key to all functions in the body, including the brain. In particular, foods rich in B vitamins have been proven to prevent the onset of dementia, heart disease, and even brain shrinkage.
Take time to relax. Just like muscles, the brain needs rest in between intervals of heavy use. When you allot time for a refreshing break, you’ll find that your recall as well as alertness will improve significantly.
Exercise regularly. Stimulating blood circulation gives the brain the oxygen it needs to improve common cognitive functions such as alertness, recall, intellect, critical thinking, and comprehension.
Eliminate “winter skin” forever!
Itch… scratch… flake! Is this your skin experience every winter?
Dry skin plagues many people, particularly during the winter months. If “alligator” skin is a problem for you, here are a few suggestions:
With the plethora of “no-fat” diets and food products on the market, people are cutting down on fat so drastically that many get virtually no fat in their diet at all. The skin needs a certain amount of oil to maintain a good moisture base. Be sure to eat some foods which contain healthy oil… avocados, fish or olive oil-based salad dressings in moderate amounts. And take OmegaGuard… an easy way to get vital omega-3 fats.
Don’t use soap-based products on your skin! Soap contains harsh chemicals which dry out surface cells. Instead, use a Meadow Blend Soap-Free Bar or Enfuselle Moisturizing Shower Gel for silky, moist skin.
Always use moisturizers… and not just on your hands and face. Enfuselle Hand & Body Lotion or Ultra Moisturizing Shea Butter Cream will keep your skin dewy and fresh-looking.
With a little conscientious effort… and Shaklee… you can overcome dry skin this winter!
Shaklee skin care tips…
If your skin is extremely dry, use either Enfuselle Hand & Body Lotion or Ultra Moisturizing Shea Butter Cream immediately after your bath or shower, while your skin is still damp, then reapply about 10 minutes later.
For problem skin on elbows or feet, rub in Herbal Blend Multi-Purpose Cream, then apply Ultra Moisturizing Shea Butter Cream.