This issue of Making a Difference! is brought to you by…
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In this issue…
♦ Avoiding physical decline as you age… ♦ How physical decline happens
♦ Overcoming physical decline in 4 key areas
♦ Is decline inevitable? ♦ A great example…
♦ Vitamin D & abdominal fat…
♦ Tips to increase vitamin D levels… ♦ The Shaklee Difference… Vita-D3
♦ Banish joint pain… the way nature intended!
♦ Advanced Joint Health Complex
Your future will be exactly what you think to make it.
~ Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee, Sr.
Avoiding physical decline as you age…
Let’s face it… getting older is a part of life… and deteriorating health is a part of aging.
Atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis progressively decrease oxygen supply to the tissues, and in some vital organs, such as the brain, we lose cells every day that will never be replaced.
According to the Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine and Science, cells in other tissues of the body actually change as we age resulting in overall progressive biological deterioration.
According to Robert Kail and John Cavanaugh, authors of Human Development: A Life-Span View, both men and women reach their overall physical peaks in their late 20’s to early 30’s. After that, physical strength begins a gradual decline and will continue to do so throughout the rest of life.
The exact mechanisms behind the aging process and its consequences are not well understood by science or the medical profession. The real question is… can you slow down this inevitable physical decline?
How physical decline happens
20 – 35… biological and physical performance peaks are reached in young adulthood. .
35 – 45… physical activity begins to slow and body fat accumulation is evident.
45 – 65… women reach menopause, and men see a decline in sex hormones.
65 – 75… most people experience a significant decrease in physical activity.
75 – 85… many will develop some form of physical disability
By the age of 85 and beyond many will become totally dependent.
Overcoming physical decline in 4 key areas
There are four key areas that decline with age: muscle mass, metabolism and heart rate, flexibility and bone density and strength. Here are some solutions that will not only slow this decline, but will also improve your quality of life, every day performance, and overall health.
Muscle loss
Lean muscle mass is not only your best friend when you’re young, it’s even more so as you age.
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, muscle strength and performance peaks between the ages of 20 to 30, and then begins a gradual decline of about 5% every 10 years after reaching middle age.
Really? If Jack LaLanne was still with us, he would laugh at the above statistics.
While it’s true that muscles shrink and lose mass as we age, a sedentary lifestyle will rapidly accelerate this process.
The truth is that regular and ongoing strength training can obliterate these statistics, slow age-related muscle loss, and build lean and mean muscle tone that will allow you to maintain a superior level of strength that will serve you for years and years to come.
To help preserve muscle mass, make Life Shakes and/or Physique a part of your diet every day. Both protein products are powered by leucine, scientifically proven to build lean muscle while exercising and/or losing weight.
Metabolism and heart rate
Resting metabolism… the body’s ability to burn fat and calories while at rest… typically peaks in early adulthood for both men and women.
By the time we reach our 60’s, resting metabolism typically decreases by 10% and then continues to drop due to increases in body fat and loss of age-related muscle mass.
The maximal heart rate also decreases as we age because of a lower level of response to the hormone catecholamine that is released into the bloodstream during periods of stress.
Regular endurance and cardio training can improve and significantly boost resting metabolism and keep the heart in great shape, allows for healthy weight management that facilitates the burning of body fat, increases longevity and prevents disease.
Cardio workouts additionally help maintain the body’s response time and its ability to deliver and use oxygen effectively.
One easy way to increase your metabolism is to add Metabolic Boost to your supplement regimen.
Another area of decline as a result of aging is flexibility, causing many problems by inhibiting range of motion as the joints become more restricted due to changes in tendons and ligaments.
According to the Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine and Science, humans will lose about 3 to 4 inches of flexibility in the hips, lower back and hamstrings as they age.
Collagen is made of fibrils that begin to develop cross-linkages as we age. This contributes to a reduced elasticity of ligaments, tendons and joint capsules.
Regular and ongoing flexibility training can greatly hinder this consequence of aging, ensure improved range of motion and increase performance in everyday life, in sports, and in our senior years where it really matters the most.
Flexibility is facilitated mainly through stretching exercises. Even the simple exercise of moving the major joints of the body, such as, the hips through their entire range of motion each day can greatly improve age-related flexibility loss.
And to lessen soreness due to stretching and exercise, apply soothing, healing Joint & Muscle Pain Cream as needed.
Bone loss
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bones grow until the age of 30 to 35 years old.
Adequate amounts of calcium and regular physical activity is key in developing bone density, especially for women where bone loss can cause osteoporosis later in life.
To ensure that you get enough easy-to-absorb calcium, along with other minerals vital to healthy bones, take OsteoMatrix. More than just calcium, OsteoMatrix is a comprehensive bone-building formula with more nutrients than leading brands. Proven to increase blood calcium levels, the small, coated caplets are easy to take.
The bottom line is…
If you want to stall the effects of aging, the answer is… movement and lots of it!
The majority of negative changes in the human musculoskeletal system result more from a sedentary lifestyle than any biological process within the body. So get up and…
Is decline inevitable?
Don’t think for a minute that effects of aging fit a cookie cutter mold. There are a wide range of individual differences in functional status at any given chronological age.
In fact, when it comes to maximum oxygen intake, flexibility and muscle strength, a very fit 70 year old or even 75 year old can outperform a sedentary 27 or 30 year old.
This means that our physical and biological status is more determined by our lifestyle choices than chronological age.
A great example…
Jack LaLanne, one of the most famous fitness gurus, died in 2011 at the age of 96. On the day of his death he was in elite physical shape, just as he had been since he dedicated his life to health and fitness as a teenager.
At the age of 43 he did more than 1,000 push-ups in only 23 minutes on the “You Asked For It” television show.
At the age of 60, LaLanne swam from Alcatraz Island to Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco while shackled, handcuffed and towing a boat. Ten years later he performed the same feat.
According to his agent, LaLanne exercised every single day, ate a healthy diet and maintained his youthful physique up until his death.
And… according to LaLanne, “The only way you can hurt the body is not to use it. Inactivity is the killer. Remember, it’s never too late.”
Vitamin D & abdominal fat…
We all know that a junk food diet and a lack of exercise are the most obvious reasons for a large waist, but a new study suggests one more factor that might surprise you. Researchers have discovered a strong connection between low levels of vitamin D and excess abdominal fat. Obese men and women with higher levels of abdominal fat were found to be at higher risk for vitamin D deficiency, according to an analysis by two medical schools in the Netherlands. While the causal relationship is still unclear, some experts now suggest that anyone with a large waistline may need to have their vitamin D levels checked. Even if you’re not obese, you may be struggling to trim your midsection, so make sure you’re consuming enough vitamin D.
Vitamin D deficiencies are widespread, affecting more than 40% of Americans. The consequences can include brittle bones, a weakened immune system, and certain heart conditions, along with excess fat.
Cutting edge nutritional science…
Shaklee Vita-D3 is the culmination of recent scientific research, including two Shaklee industry-leading vitamin D studies. Supplemental vitamin D is clinically supported and proven to significantly raise blood levels of vitamin D.
So… add a little sunshine to your day with Shaklee Vita-D3!
Tips to increase vitamin D levels…
⇒⇒ Eat fish and eggs. Very few foods contain vitamin D naturally, but many are fortified with this important nutrient. Fatty fish and eggs yolks are especially beneficial because they contain a form of vitamin D that your body can use very effectively.
⇒⇒ Catch some sun. Vitamin D is a hormone as well as a vitamin, so your skin can make its own supply when it’s exposed to the sun. At the same time, some precautions are necessary. Depending on your sensitivity, 5 to 30 minutes of direct sun at least a few days a week may be adequate.
⇒⇒ Take Vita-D3. The quality and potency of supplements vary greatly among different brands so choose Shaklee to ensure your supplement meets the highest standards.
⇒⇒ Understand your risks. Some adults need more vitamin D than others. That includes vegans, senior citizens, and people with darker skin.
The Shaklee Difference… Vita-D3
Always Safe
♦♦ Tested for purity and potency
♦♦ Star-K kosher certified
♦♦ Gluten free
Always Work
♦♦ Contains high potency vitamin D3
♦♦ Based on cutting-edge nutritional science
Always Green
♦♦ Recyclable packaging
♦♦ Soy-based inks
♦♦ No bisphenol-A used in packaging
Banish joint pain… the way nature intended!
The facts are clear…
___ 1 in every 3 adults (over 80 million), are in chronic pain.
___ Pain is the #1 reason for doctor visits.
___ Chronic pain causes many psychological ailments such as sleep disorders, chronic anxiety and depression.
___ Americans spend over 100 billion dollars per year on pain-related remedies.
With the dangers associated with over-the-counter and prescription pain relievers, many people are left wondering, “How will I manage my pain now?”
There is an answer! It’s called…
Pain Relief Complex
This exclusive, natural blend of safflower and boswellia extracts provide pain relief in joints, allowing improved flexibility and movement… without dangerous side effects! Pain Relief Complex is the perfect, natural choice when pain strikes.
Pain Relief Complex:
___ Relieves discomfort in joints
___ Contains complementary natural ingredients for natural pain relief
___ Is gentle on the stomach
___ Contains no aspirin
___ Is Kosher certified
Joint & Muscle Pain Cream
For immediate, natural pain relief, try Joint & Muscle Pain Cream. Just massage in for quick results.
Keep both products on hand for natural, effective pain relief!
vanced Joint Health Complex
For those who have joint discomfort, even simple activities can be a challenge. Now there’s a simple, natural way to get back to active… fast!
Advanced Joint Health Complex contains a patent-pending, fast-acting form of boswellia extract that has been shown to have superior bioactivity compared to other extracts. Most importantly, in a clinical study, Advanced Joint Health Complex has been shown to improve joint comfort in as few as five days! If your joints hurt… try it!
Making a Difference! is not an official Shaklee publication. It is compiled from publicly available information and is published for educational purposes only. No promises or guarantees are intended or implied. Copyright © October 2019 SHAIDS LLC • • [email protected] • 720-733-6780 or 888-395-0136