This issue of Making a Difference! is brought to you by…
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“Friends For Better Health”
Richard and Mary Gail Cripe
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In this issue…
♦ Why enzymes matter… ♦ Are there enzymes in your supplements?
♦ Why bioavailability is the key to a quality supplement…
♦ How much of your supplement is actually getting to your cells?
♦ Why balance is… everything! ♦ Is your supplement balanced?
♦ It’s a product! But… does it work? The evidence…
♦ What proof do you have that your supplement works?
♦ What’s THAT? [on the label] ♦ Amazing “Get Well… FAST!” Tea Recipe
♦ Make it with Get Clean Water
“What we attempt to do is produce the natural food values and preserve them without chemicals. Our products will spoil just like a bottle of milk… not as fast, but they’re made of real food.”
~ Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee, Sr.
Why enzymes matter…
It’s very simple. Without enzymes, there is no life! Every metabolic process on this earth depends upon enzymes. According to Howard F. Loomis Jr., D.C., “Enzymes are present in all living animal and plant cells. They are the primary motivators of all natural biochemical processes. Life cannot exist without enzymes because they are essential components of every chemical reaction in the body. For example, they are the only substance that can digest food and make it small enough to pass through the gastrointestinal mucosa into the bloodstream.”
Dr. Loomis discovered that while both food enzymes and those in body tissues work to metabolize food, they act on different schedules. Food enzymes begin breaking down food in the stomach for at least one hour before the body’s digestive system begins to work. For this reason, Dr. Loomis asserted that enzymes should be considered essential nutrients.
Unfortunately, most food and supplement manufacturers remove them from their products to increase profits and gain shelf-life. Shaklee, of course, is one exception! Shaklee food supplements preserve enzymes as the vital, living nutritional components they are!
Are there enzymes in your supplements?
If they’re synthetic, probably not. Even if enzymes are added as a marketing ploy, the manufacturing process would destroy them.
When you take supplements made from real food and processed with low heat, you’re consuming a whole range of vitamins, minerals, co-factors and enzymes that allow for optimal use by the body. Without these additional compounds found in nature, synthetic nutrients are not used by the body in the same way as their natural counterparts and in fact, can become toxic.
Why bioavailability is the key to a quality supplement…
One thing that’s critically important when you’re choosing a food supplement is… bioavailability. Why?
Bioavailability is the amount of the nutrient in a supplement that is actually digested, absorbed and metabolized by your cells. In other words, when you’re choosing a supplement, it’s not enough to know how much of a nutrient is present in a dietary supplement; the more important issue is how much of that nutrient is bioavailable.
Nutritional scientists are well aware of the importance of bioavailability and those who are reputable, try to find ways to make sure their supplements can actually be used by the cells to build health. But the fact is that most supplements available today are made artificially… synthesized in a laboratory. In most of these cases, bioavailability is not a goal… sales are.
So… how do you know if your supplement is bioavailable? Well… you won’t find it on the label. The only real measure you’ll have is… how you feel when you take it. In other words, does your supplement produce the health results you expect. Are you getting your money’s worth?
So.. how do you choose the right one?
Supplements that are formulated to have high bioavailability are proven to be more effective than any other type of supplement on the market.
One way to be sure is to purchase supplements that are that are specifically formulated to achieve high bioavaiability, and that means… Shaklee! While there are a few other supplements on the market that claim to offer high bioavailability, most cannot prove it. But Shaklee can… and does!
Every supplement that Shaklee makes has been thoroughly researched, formulated for maximum absorption, and clinically tested to make absolutely sure that it will be metabolized and utilized by the cells for a positive health result. Shaklee won’t put any supplement on the market that does not achieve this critical goal of maximum bioavailability. That’s why we say… if it’s Shaklee, it works!
How much of your supplement is actually getting to your cells?
Supplement bioavailability is affected by a variety of factors:
⇒⇒ The formulation of the supplement
⇒⇒ The delivery method, i.e., tablets or capsules; where in the body it’s released
⇒⇒ Circadian rhythm… some supplements are taken at a specific time of day to ensure maximum absorption
⇒⇒ Interactions with other substances in your system, such as certain medications.
⇒⇒ Gastrointestinal health
By choosing highly bioavailable supplements from Shaklee, you know that they will help you achieve your health goals.
Why balance is… everything!
One factor not often considered in the production of a vitamin/mineral supplement is… balance. Without proper nutrient balance, a supplement is incapable of exerting a positive health effect. For example, new research suggests that magnesium is actually the key to the body’s proper assimilation and use of calcium. But while the body retains calcium and either stores it or recycles it over and over, magnesium is used up or excreted daily and must be constantly replenished. So, while our daily need for calcium is greater, we are much more likely to become deficient in magnesium.
For the body to use calcium to build and maintain strong bones, calcium must first be absorbed. Shaklee OsteoMatrix is clinically tested for absorption and specially formulated to provide key nutrients including:
♦♦ Easily absorbed sources of elemental
♦♦ Magnesium to help strengthen bones
♦♦ Vitamin D to stimulate calcium
♦♦ Vitamin K, zinc, copper, and manganese
Is your supplement balanced?
Many supplement manufacturers tout the mega amount of a nutrient in their product. But this practice can not only be wasteful, it can also be harmful. For example, fortification of processed foods with vitamin B3 has lead to intakes greater than twice the recommended amount, especially by children. It’s now been discovered that this higher intake may lead to increased appetite and impaired glucose tolerance.
Don’t leave balance to chance. Take Shaklee!
It’s a product! But… does it work? The evidence…
From the beginning, Shaklee has been committed to science, because it’s one thing to say products are good, it’s another to prove they are effective. Shaklee researchers always endeavor to understand human health through scientific studies:
Shaklee’s longstanding support for nutritional research involves collaborations with leading academic labs that are free and encouraged to publish their findings. The academics control publication of the results, not Shaklee.
Through these collaborations, Shaklee has published over 135 scientific papers and presentations, 90 of which are clinical studies published in peer-reviewed publications.
Shaklee’s famous Landmark Study demonstrated the powerful effects of long-term use of multiple Shaklee dietary supplements. People who took Shaklee supplements for 20 years or more were proven to be healthier than non-supplement users.
This study lead to the creation of… Vitalizer. One of the most valuable features of this supplement is the Shaklee Micronutrient Advanced Release Technology. S.M.A.R.T. is a unique, patented delivery system designed to dramatically improve absorption of key nutrients in the body. That’s why Shaklee can say, “Take Vitalizer and feel better in 30 days or your money back!”
What proof do you have that your supplement works?
Among the most hotly debated issues in supplement research is the type and amount of evidence needed to demonstrate the efficacy of dietary supplements. Many of the issues involving efficacy include those common in testing of all medications such as study designs, significance testing, appropriate outcomes, effect sizes, acceptable biomarkers of effect, and the differences between statistical and clinical significance.
As the dietary supplement market has become more global and lucrative, so have the importance of ensuring product quality and the challenges in doing so. There are increasing numbers of cases of adverse reactions and some fatalities due to contaminants or adulterants in the product rather than in the dietary supplement ingredients themselves. In some cases this has been due to intentional fraud by producers of these poor quality products who have developed sophisticated methods for overcoming existing regulations and oversight.†
So what proof do you have that your supplement works? If you take Shaklee, the proof is in their exhaustive research, scientific innovation, clinical trials, years of proof that their products work, and most of all… in how you feel!
†Dietary Supplements: Regulatory Challenges and Research Resources, Published online 2018 Jan 4:
What’s THAT? [on the label]
The next time you’re at your local supermarket or drug store, pick up a popular vitamin supplement. What do you see on the label? We looked at a Centrum® Silver Women Multivitmain/Multimineral label and found BHT (1), Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) (2), and Hypromellose (3), among the listed ingredients. Do you know what these chemicals are… or what they’re doing in a supplement? The big question you should ask is, “Will this product will make me healthier… or could it actually be toxic? Do I really want to take it?”
1 BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) is a lab-made chemical that is added to foods as a preservative.
2 Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) is a term for refined wood pulp and is used as a texturizer, an anti-caking agent, a fat substitute, an emulsifier, an extender, and a bulking agent in food production.
3 Hypromellose (INN), short for hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), is a semisynthetic, inert, viscoelastic polymer used as eye drops.
Amazing “Get Well… FAST!” Tea Recipe
This healing “Get Well… FAST!” Tea recipe has crossed my desk several times over the years.* If you are feeling unusually fatigued, suddenly have the sniffles, or feel that tickle in your throat that signals an impending cold or flu, try this simple tea… IT WORKS… AND FAST!
Make it with Get Clean Water
What’s in your water? Chemicals that can be harmful to your health can actually turn up in the water your family drinks. Did you know that up to 20% of human lead exposure comes from drinking water? Heavy metals, industrial pollutants, pesticides… these harmful contaminants can enter our water supplies and have the potential to create long-term health challenges.
So make your “Get Well… Fast!” Tea with Get Clean Water!
Making a Difference! is not an official Shaklee publication. It is compiled from publicly available information and is published for educational purposes only. No promises or guarantees are intended or implied. Copyright © February 2020 SHAIDS LLC • • • 662-262-2260