This issue of Making a Difference! is brought to you by…
Galen Lahman
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In this issue…
♦ Are you getting enough omega-3? ♦ Sh-h-h-h… it’s been rumored…
♦ How safe is your omega supplement? ♦ The 3 omegas…
♦ The Shaklee Difference… OmegaGuard
♦ For healthy cells, try this!
♦ The most common nutrient deficiencies…
♦ Do you have any of these symptoms?
♦ Dryer fires: How safe are your dryer sheets?
♦ The Shaklee Difference… Soft Fabric Dryer Sheets
“The effect the years have upon you can easily be prevented. Man cannot live forever, of course, but he can live free from pain and discomfort… IF he will provide the natural nutritional substances necessary to keep his body in good repair.”
~ Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee, Sr.
Are you getting enough omega-3?
Go ahead and name an illness that runs in your family… Alzheimer’s, heart disease, depression, arthritis, asthma… and omega 3 can probably help prevent it. In fact, omega-3 has been ranked as one of the most important essential nutrients available today with many health benefits:
♦♦ Omega-3 and cholesterol. Fish oil is efficient in regulating your cholesterol triglyceride levels by reducing the enzyme activity that can cause the liver to metabolize fat.
♦♦ Omega-3 and the heart. Research shows that you can reduce the risk of having a stroke or a heart attack by consuming omegas.
♦♦ Omega-3 and the brain. DHA and EPA increase neuronal growth, keep the dopamine levels in your brain high, and increase cerebral circulation. Omega-3 is also beneficial to children as studies show that it can help maximize their intellectual potential.
♦♦ Omega-3 and blood pressure. Omega-3s have been shown to lower blood pressure naturally.
Omega-3 is essential for human health. However, most people consume too many omega-6 fats and too few omega-3s. To make sure you get a proper balance, supplement with Shaklee OmegaGuard.
Sh-h-h-h… it’s been rumored…
We’ve been told by a very reliable source who heard it on a conference call with Shaklee leaders and corporate execs that Shaklee will soon introduce a Kosher OmegaGuard! This is welcome news to those who Keep Kosher.
We’re not sure when this new Kosher OmegaGuard will be introduced, but we’ll tell you all about it when it arrives.
How safe is your omega supplement?
We’re sure you’ve heard the stories… most fish contain contaminants as a result of ocean and waterway pollution from substances like mercury from coal burning and PCBs. True, PCBs were banned in the 1970s, but their use was so widespread and their composition was so stable… making decomposition very slow… that they contaminated the air, soil and water everywhere and are still present today. Once PCBs were introduced to the marine environment they ended up in the fish and… any fish oil supplement made from them.
This is a big problem as it’s very difficult and expensive to remove these dangerous toxins from fish oil. So… you have to be very careful when choosing an omega supplement.
Fortunately, you can choose Shaklee OmegaGuard! To ensure purity and potency, the fish oil in OmegaGuard undergoes a proprietary, state-of-the-art, multistep molecular distillation process that:
⇒⇒ Concentrates natural, beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA
⇒⇒ Removes lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, dioxins, PCBs, and other contaminants
⇒⇒ Suppresses formation of trans fats
⇒⇒ Minimizes odor and fishy aftertaste
The fish oil found in OmegaGuard comes certified by Friend of the Sea®, an international conservation organization that follows strict criteria for sustainability. Friend of the Sea tracks fish populations and works with fishermen to set catch limits and avoid harvesting during spawning seasons. Their efforts help ensure a constant supply of high-quality fish oil for Shaklee products without harming the environment.
The 3 omegas…
There are three major Omega -3 fatty acids:
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is the most common omega-3 fatty acid in your diet. Mostly found in plant foods, your body can convert it into EPA or DHA, though this process is highly inefficient.
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an important structural component of your skin and the retinas in your eyes.DHA is very important for brain development and may protect against heart disease, cancer, and other health problems. DHA is found in oily fish and algae.
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is an omega-3 fatty acid that can reduce symptoms of depression and help fight inflammation in your body. EPA is mostly found in seafood, including fatty fish and algae.
The Shaklee Difference… OmegaGuard
OmegaGuard provides a full spectrum of seven ultra-pure, pharmaceutical-grade omega-3 essential fatty acids, including EPA and DHA, naturally found in small, cold-water fish.
⇒⇒ 1,200 mg of fish oil
⇒⇒ Helps maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular system
⇒⇒ Helps support brain, eye, and joint health
⇒⇒ Helps retain healthy triglyceride levels
⇒⇒ Zero cholesterol
⇒⇒ Small size for easier swallowing
For healthy cells, try this!
Shaklee believes that the foundation of healthy cells is nutrition and that with the right nutrition you can feel amazing in 30 days… guaranteed! But don’t take our word for it. Join:
The Prove It Challenge™
Shaklee wanted to make it easy for anyone to get started on their journey to better health, so they came up with a simple 30-day challenge to radically change the way you feel. Utilizing clinically proven nutrition products as its foundation, the Prove It Challenge helps you to cleanse your system and adopt a daily nutrition routine that’s easy to continue well beyond the 30 days. The challenge is designed to help you feel healthier, more energized, and more focused while you build the foundation for a healthier life. Here’s how it works:
Start with a 7-Day Healthy Cleanse to completely reset your system.
Adopt a daily nutrition routine: Replace one meal with a Life Shake™ and take a Vitalizer™ strip for clinically backed vitamins, minerals, and protein.
Make health and nutrition a priority by keeping up your routine every day.
The most common nutrient deficiencies…
How would you describe your optimum health? Imagine how good your body could feel and compare that with how you are feeling now. If you’re feeling less than great, maybe your body is telling you it needs more nutrients.
Even if you try to eat a healthy diet, take supplements, and choose organic foods when possible, you still may have a nutritional gap. Individual circumstances such as age, health conditions, chronic stress, medication use, where and how your food is grown, processed and stored, can rob you of the ability to obtain and absorb nutrients.
Could you have a nutritional gap? Here’s a list of the most common nutritional deficiencies to help you decide.
min D
Vitamin D deficiency is common in people of all ages, especially in those who use topical sun screens which block vitamin D production. In fact, researchers estimate that 50 percent of the general population is deficient in vitamin D. To make sure you have optimum vitamin D levels, take Vita-D3.
Omega-3 deficiency has been revealed as the sixth biggest killer of Americans. Omega-3s, which have potent anti-inflammatory properties and are helpful in cardiovascular conditions including arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death, high blood pressure, blood vessel function, and triglycerides. Taking OmegaGuard will ensure you’re getting enough omega-3.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is essential for bone strength, the health of arteries and blood vessels, and plays a role in tissue renewal and cell growth, ensures a healthy pregnancy, and also helps prevent cancer. Vitamin D needs vitamin K to work properly and visa versa, and both work synergistically with magnesium and calcium, So make sure you get all four by taking Vita-Lea, Vitalizer or Life Strip.
It’s estimated that about half of Americans are deficient in magnesium, which plays a critical role in cardiovascular health, helps detoxify cells, and facilitates overall cell function. It also helps prevent migraines, diabetes, osteoporosis and asthma. If you suspect you need more magnesium, VitalMag is the supplement of choice.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is known as the energy vitamin. Your body requires it for a number of vital functions, including energy production, blood and myelin formation, and DNA synthesis. About one in four American adults are deficient in this important nutrient. To make sure you’re getting enough vitamin B12 in balance, take B-Complex.
Iron deficiency has been identified as the most common and widespread nutritional disorder in the world. One of the most important roles of iron is in the production of hemoglobin, that carries oxygen from the lung to the body tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the body tissues to the lung for the removal. Without proper oxygenation, your cells quickly start dying. If you suspect you need more iron, try Iron Plus C Complex or Liqui-Lea.
Do you have any of these symptoms?
Here’s a list of symptoms that we often ignore but may actually be signals that we need additional nutrients. Which have you noticed?
_____ Weakness
_____ Fatigue
_____ Poor sleep quality
_____ Challenge concentrating
_____ Headaches
_____ GI distress
_____ Bloating
_____ Constipation
_____ Loose stools
_____ Weight gain
_____ Weight loss
_____ Weight fluctuations
_____ Food cravings
_____ Increased appetite
_____ Hair loss
_____ Skin issues
_____ Pale skin
_____ Lightheadedness
_____ Feeling faint
_____ Joint pain
_____ Slow injury healing
_____ Menstrual issues
_____ Depression
_____ Heart irregularities
_____ Decreased immunity
These are just some of the symptoms that might indicate nutrient deficiency. Remember that everyone’s body is unique, and your supplementation regimen should reflect that.
To make sure you’re getting what you need, take the Meology™ Assessment for nutrition personalized just for you!
Dryer fires: How safe are your dryer sheets?
Have you ever wondered how fires get started in a clothes dryer? Most of the time it’s because of a buildup of lint. But… read this story:
“The heating unit went out on my dryer! The repair man said that he wanted to show us something. He pulled out the mesh lint filter. It was clean. (I always clean the lint from the filter after every load of clothes.) Then he took the filter over to the sink and ran hot water over it. Amazingly, the hot water just sat on top of the mesh! It didn’t go through it at all! He told us that dryer sheets cause a film over that mesh which burns out the heating unit. You can’t SEE the film, but it’s there. This ‘film’ in the dryer sheets makes your clothes soft and static free… and gives them that nice fragrance. They feel waxy when you take them out of the box? That waxy stuff builds up on your clothes and on your lint screen, reduces the efficiency of your dryer and is also what causes dryer units to catch fire! He said the best way to keep your dryer working for a very long time (and to keep your electric bill lower) is to wash it with hot soapy water and scrub it with an old toothbrush at least every month. Doing this will double the life of your dryer!”
~ B. Hanson, Denver, CO
There’s another step you can take to avoid this scenario: Use Get Clean Soft Fabric Fragrance Free Dryer Sheets. They will never produce a potentially hazardous waxy build-up on your dryer screen.
The Shaklee Difference… Soft Fabric Dryer Sheets
⇒⇒ Nontoxic
⇒⇒ Fragrance free
⇒⇒ No toxic fumes
⇒⇒ No hazardous chemicals
⇒⇒ Safe for all washable fabrics
⇒⇒ Adds softness and controls static cling
⇒⇒ Rivals Bounce® in controlling static cling
⇒⇒ Natural: vegetable-based softener
⇒⇒ Biodegradable sheets. Perforated: split them for even distribution
⇒⇒ Recyclable sheets (most other dryer sheets are not recyclable)
⇒⇒ Recyclable packaging
⇒⇒ No dyes