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In this issue…
♦ Got immunity? ♦ Immunity fights more than colds and the flu…
♦ There’s a war going on within you. Who will win?
♦ Nutrition link: fiber ♦ Nutrition link: probiotics
♦ The interferon factor… ♦ Score your immunity…
♦ Nutrition link: protein ♦ Nutrition link: antioxidants
♦ A germ-wise home is easy with Shaklee!
♦ What’s wrong with antibacterials?
“Nature is my constant inspiration and guide to all we need for health.”
~ Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee, Sr.
Got immunity?
Well yes… we all have immunity… at least to some extent. But your body fights a war every day to maintain that immunity… a war you’re probably not aware of. On your side is a complex web of protective cells and biological “fighters” that resist the constant attack by infectious pathogens… invaders like bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites which lurk all over your body and deposit themselves near every crack, crevice and opening, ready to enter, multiply, and cause havoc.
When healthy, your immune system keeps these insurgents at bay and kills them off if they manage to take hold in the form of an infection such as a cold, the flu… or something worse.
Just as most people are not aware of the war their immune system fights daily on their behalf, they’re also not aware of supplements that can make their immunity more powerful. And that the very best supplements… the ones that actually work… are made by Shaklee!
Immunity fights more than colds and the flu..
There is scientific evidence that cancer cells develop inside each of us at least occasionally. Normal cells “mutate” or suddenly alter their genetic makeup in a way that causes them to grow at a furious pace that results in a tumor. It is thought that this sudden transformation is triggered by exposure to the sun, pollution, radiation, X-rays, chemicals or even the natural formation of free radicals.
It is the job of your immune system to find these mutants and destroy them.
There’s a war going on within you. Who will win?
Your immune system has many layers… many lines of defense. If an invading pathogen breaks through one barrier, then another line of defense joins the battle. Often your amazing body will combine defenses and attack an invader from many sides.
Physical barriers
Your body’s first line of defense is comprised of physical barriers such as your skin, the hair in your nose and around your eyes, the skin-like membrane that makes up your digestive tract, and the mucus that coats the digestive, respiratory and reproductive tracts. These defensive mechanisms block or trap invaders before they can enter the body.
Booby traps & allies
Foreign organisms break through these barriers all of the time… through cuts and scrapes, when you rub your eyes, eating improperly prepared food, etc.
Don’t worry. If you eat something contaminated, it will soon find itself drowning in a pool of stomach acid. Your body is full of these ambushes and traps designed to catch culprits that get past the first defenses. Even your tears and saliva contain a bacteria-destroying enzyme called lysozyme, and your digestive and reproductive tracts are packed with friendly microbes that overwhelm and kill unwanted bugs.
a battle… winning the war!
While the body mounts multiple defenses to keep pathogens out, because germs are also stealthy, some do get through and gain access to the interior of the body. When this happens, the infectious agents encounter a platoon of phagocytic cells which surround and engulf, then digest them.
The body places phagocytes in locations where invaders are likely to pass through… the lymph nodes, kidneys, lungs, liver and spleen. There, they stage an ambush and kill any insurgents.
al assassins
Natural killer cells target cells that are damaged or have turned cancerous. They delight in killing off these aberrant cells before they can harm you.
“Smart” cells target invaders
While our immune system is complex and sophisticated, bacteria and viruses mutate to become even more stealthy. If an organism goes largely undetected, they can still be in the brain and memory of the immune system… lymphocytes. They can adapt the weapons of the immune system to invaders the body has never encountered before. When a phagocyte attacks an enemy invader it saves a few features of the invader called antigens and “presents” them to a T lymphocyte. These “T helper cells” read the antigen and create a specific antibody to target the enemy.
Full-blown immune response
When these newly manufactured antibodies are released, carrier cells… or B cells… start dividing exponentially to create a flood of antibodies to swarm the invaders and target them for destruction by phagocytes.
At this stage, proteins are synthesized to coat and kill the pathogen. At the same time, T killer cells join the battle. They attach themselves to the invader and punch holes in its cell membrane. T killer cells also attack the body’s damaged or cancerous cells when they encounter them.
At this point, your immune system has shifted into high gear and is waging the battle on all fronts. Once the enemy has been destroyed, the body turns down the immune response and returns to normal. And memory cells record the events of this battle for a quick response should there be a similar attack.
Of course, all of the spectacular features of your immune system are activated and maximized only if it’s healthy and strong. To keep your immunity at its peak, Shaklee offers a number of immune-specific supplements that will provide the nutrients you need to wage a full-on battle when necessary:
Vitalizer… 80 nutrients for optimum health and vitality
Immunity Formula I… six vitamins and four minerals, all immunoactive nutrients
NutriFeron… the only supplement that activates the production of interferon.
Nutrition link: fiber
The friendly microbes in your digestive tract thrive on fiber, which passes through your system largely undigested. A diet rich in fiber… 20 to 35 grams per day… can help support the immune system allies that inhibit the growth of many invasive pathogens.
Since Americans typically consume only half of the recommended amount, Fiber Plan Tablets or Powder can help support your immune system by optimizing your fiber intake.
Nutrition link: probiotics
At least 70% of our immune system is in our gut. Optiflora DI adds “good” bacteria to our gut, supporting immune health.
Optiflora DI delivers unique benefits via a proprietary formula with 10 billion CFUs with 4 bacterial strains, the most prominent being the powerhouse Bifidobacterium lactis Hn019.
“B. lactis HN019 can enhance natural immunity.”1
“An effective probiotic dietary supplement for enhancing some aspects of cellular immunity.”2
1Miller LE, Lehtoranta L, Lehtinen MJ. The Effect of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis HN019 on Cellular Immune Function in Healthy Elderly Subjects: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. 2017 Feb 24;9(3). pii: E191. doi: 10.3390/nu9030191.
2Gill HS, Rutherfurd KJ, Cross ML. Dietary probiotic supplementation enhances natural killer cell activity in the elderly: an investigation of age-related immunological changes. J Clin Immunol. 2001 Jul;21(4):264-71
The interferon factor…
According to, “Interferons are proteins that are part of your natural defenses. They tell your immune system that germs or cancer cells are in your body, then trigger killer immune cells to fight them.”
Interferons got their name because they “interfere” with viruses and keep them from multiplying.
Almost every cell in your body makes interferons. Cells that have been infected with viruses or other germs secrete interferon as a warning signal to your immune system. That triggers white blood cells to release more interferon to fight the germs.
Interferons work in a few different ways. They:
____ alert your immune system so it can go after invaders
____ help your immune system recognize viruses or cancer
____ tell immune cells to attack
____ stop virus and cancer cells from growing and dividing
____ help healthy cells fight infection
While synthetic interferon was first created in 1986, it is extremely expensive and comes with a host of unpleasant side effects.
Shaklee NutriFeron is the only dietary supplement in the United States created by the discoverer of interferon, world-renowned immunologist Dr. Yasuhiko Kojima, who spent decades screening hundreds of botanicals to identify natural interferon boosters. NutriFeron has been shown in a laboratory study to naturally increase interferon production in the body.
Nutrition link: protein
Protein is essential to build and repair body tissue and fight viral and bacterial infections. Immune system powerhouses such as antibodies and immune system cells rely on protein. Too little protein in the diet may lead to symptoms of weakness, fatigue, apathy, and lowered immune response.
To make certain you’re getting enough easily digested protein, add Energizing Soy Protein or Life Shake to your daily supplement regimen.
Energizing Soy Protein contains extra B vitamins and calcium, while Life Shake is packed with 23 essential vitamins and minerals clinically proven to support heart, brain, vision, bone, immune, and overall health.
utrition link: antioxidants
The phagocytic process of engulfing harmful invaders is energy-draining and metabolically taxing to the body. The “leftovers” of this revved-up metabolic process are a concentration of destructive by-products, which themselves can damage healthy cells. The dietary nutrients beta carotene (CarotoMax), vitamin E and selenium (Vita-E Complex) and vitamin C (Sustained Release Vita-C, Vitalized Immunity) are antioxidants that are thought to be helpful in “mopping up” and destroying those highly unstable molecules.
Score your immunity…
While there are medical tests that can determine immune strength, many health professionals regard the following eight signs as indications of low immunity:
____ You’re often sick. The average US adult has 2 to 4 colds during cold and flu season, If you’re sick more often, your immune system needs a boost.
____ You drink poor quality water. Researchers found that water from the average U.S. city well contains arsenic, which weakens immunity.
____ You’re stressed out. The American Psychological Association warns that long-term stress will compromise your immune health.
____ You have a sweet tooth. Sugar weakens white blood cell response, leaving your immune system unable to fight off bacteria and viruses.
____ Your nasal passages are dry. When nasal cavities are moist, and even runny, it’s a sign that the body is fighting off an invader.
____ You’re overweight. Those extra pounds can cause a chain-like metabolic reaction, leaving you prone to all sorts of germs and infections.
____ You have zero energy. If all you want to do is sleep, you’re immunity likely needs help.
____ You’re dehydrated. The body uses fluids to detoxify and eradicate germs and other toxins.
A germ-wise home is easy with Shaklee!
Your home is cauldron of potentially dangerous elements… indoor air, plenty of surfaces for organisms to multiply, a food supply, plants, animals and… people!
Yes… bacteria, fungi and viruses can wreak havoc on your family’s health and safety. While a sterile house is not practical nor healthy, it’s important to keep it clean and free of harmful microbes. That’s easy with… Basic-G!
Used as directed, Basic-G® tackles over 60 of these pesky microbes, including the human coronavirus.* That makes it an excellent choice for use all around the house… kitchen, bathroom, or pet area.
Basic-G is a multipurpose neutral pH germicidal and detergent. It disinfects, cleans, and deodorizes the following hard, nonporous, inanimate surfaces: floors, walls, metal surfaces, stainless steel surfaces, glazed porcelain, plastic surfaces (such as polypropylene, polystyrene, etc.).
And… Basic-G is extremely economical… one quart makes up to 64 gallons of disinfectant cleaning solution!**
*For human coronavirus, treated surfaces must remain wet for 1 minute. Wipe dry with a clean cloth or sponge.
**Dilution: 1 ounce per 2 gallons of water; ½ ounce per gallon of water.
What’s wrong with antibacterials?
Yes… you need to wash your hands to prevent the spread of germs. But, as it turns out, those antibacterial soaps can be downright dangerous. Why? Antibacterial soap:
⇒⇒ contributes to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
⇒⇒ may disrupt hormones
⇒⇒ may impair muscle function
⇒⇒ increases risk of allergies
⇒⇒ is bad for the environment
⇒⇒ isn’t any more effective than regular soap
Use Get Clean Hand Wash Concentrate instead!
Making a Difference! is not an official Shaklee publication. It is compiled from publicly available information and is published for educational purposes only. No promises or guarantees are intended or implied. Copyright © April 2020 SHAIDS LLC • • [email protected] • 662-262-2260