Grace Anderson – Issue #258

This issue of Making a Difference! is brought to you by…

Environmental Family Health, Inc.
Andy & Grace Anderson
(928) 814-2198
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In this issue…

Another headache? When to seek professional help for a headache
All about headaches…
The best nutrients and Shaklee supplements for headache prevention and treatment…
7 nutrition tips to feed your brain
Shaklee supplements for tip-top brain power!
Sun protection… from the inside out! For even better internal sun protection…

“Contrary to the belief of some people, brain work DOES require a great deal of energy. Brain cells… must be supplied with protein, vitamins, and minerals, [plus lecithin, whole protein and phosphorus].

Being a physical organ, it must be nourished in the same manner as all other organs, so make sure you supply the necessary nutrition. Weakened, starving brain cells will give trouble to your mental processes, just as weakened, starving cells in your legs will give you trouble in walking.

~ A Study Course in Nutrition by Forrest Shaklee Sr., DC, DD

Another headache?

If you’re like most people, you’ve experienced a headache or two… or more… at some point in time. If you suffer from them frequently, you’re acutely aware of just how much they affect your quality of life. Headaches can start anywhere, at any time, and they can affect just one part of your head or involve all of it. Paying close attention to specific details when you’re suffering from a headache can help pinpoint the proper treatment.

You may be prone to headaches because of stress, depression, or anxiety. There are also medical reasons such as an infection or high blood pressure that cause headaches. Even the weather can give you a headache!

The severity of the pain you experience can also help your healthcare professional diagnose the cause of your headaches and work with you to find a solution.

When to seek professional help for a headache

It’s important to get the advice of your healthcare practitioner about your headache if:

♦♦ It is persistent
♦♦ It is severe
♦♦ It occurs frequently
♦♦ It doesn’t go away after taking medication
♦♦ It is accompanied by confusion, fever, stiffness in the neck, or sensory changes.

All about headaches…

According to the World Health Organization, headaches are extremely common. While nearly everyone has a headache occasionally, up to 1 adult in 20 has a headache every… or nearly every… day. The more serious migraine headache is also very common affecting at least 1 adult in every 7 in the world.

Headaches fall into two categories: primary and secondary.

Primary headaches are usually caused by problems in the structure of the head and the neck, and are not related to other processes elsewhere in the body. Overactivity of specific muscles, nerves, blood vessels, or certain brain chemicals can also trigger this type of headache. Cluster and tension headaches are good examples of primary headaches.

Secondary headaches are caused by other processes in the body outside the head, often a result of underlying medical conditions. Pregnancy, infection, stroke, hypothyroidism, and brain tumors are only some of the conditions that can cause secondary headaches.

Types of headaches

Tension-type headaches. This is a primary headache that usually starts in the middle of the day. You can recognize them by:

____ A feeling of a tight band around your head.
____ A dull, yet constant ache on both sides of your head.
____ Pain radiating up from your neck.

Tension-type headaches are further divided into episodic attacks that last for short periods, and chronic tension headaches, which happen 15 or more days a month and can last from 30 minutes to as long as a week.

Migraines. This more severe type of headache often occurs as a pulsating, throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head.

Other symptoms that accompany a migraine episode include:

____ Sensory disturbance
____ Sensitivity to sound and light
____ Light-headedness
____ Nausea
____ Vomiting

Migraines are very common. While an episode can last for days, sometimes the symptoms only continue for a few hours. Some people have migraines once a year, while others experience them weekly.

Medication-overuse headache. Also known as a rebound headache, these occur when a person takes pain medication… often opiates… too often. People who suffer from migraines frequently are at risk of developing medication-overuse headaches.

Cluster Headache. These headaches can affect a person one to eight times per day. One attack may last 15 minutes or even as many as three hours or more. People who have cluster headaches experience them frequently over periods from four to twelve months. They can subsequently have long periods with no headaches at all.

The symptoms often include:

____ Severe pain
____ Pain around one eye only
____ Drooping eyelid
____ Runny nose
____ Tearing in the eyes
____ Sweating
____ Reduced pupil size in one eye

Thunderclap headache. Sudden and severe, these headaches are often described as “the worst headache I have ever had.” Thunderclap headaches reach maximum intensity in under a minute, but residual pain will continue for much longer.

Thunderclap headaches should not be ignored as they can indicate a life-threatening process, including:

____ Aneurysm
____ Meningitis
____ Pituitary apoplexy
____ Blood clot in the brain
____ Bleeding in the brain

The best nutrients and Shaklee supplements for headache prevention and treatment…

The best nutrients and Shaklee supplements for headache prevention and treatment…

Magnesium (Sustained Release VitalMag)

It seems that people with migraines have lower levels of magnesium than the rest of us. Studies suggest that 400 milligrams of magnesium daily for at least 3 months may help alleviate migraines.

Riboflavin/vitamin B2 (B-Complex)

Research has shown that people with migraines may have a malfunction in the metabolic process which could be responsible.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQHeart)

In one small study, people with migraines were given coenzyme Q10 each day. More than 60% of them had a 50% drop in the number of days they had a migraine.

Melatonin (Dream Serene)

Melatonin, a natural hormone, is similar to indomethacin, an anti-inflammatory drug used to treat aches, pains, and migraines. Research shows that those with chronic migraines have very low levels of melatonin and might benefit from supplementation.

Vitamin D (Vita-D3)

An analysis of five premier studies found that taking vitamin D supplements significantly decreased the duration, frequency, and severity of migraine headaches, compared with taking a placebo, and another concluded that taking 1,000 – 4,000 IU per day of vitamin D might help reduce the frequency of migraine episodes.


Dream Serene | All-Night Zzz’s

7 nutrition tips to feed your brain

For most people as they age, there are few things more frightening than the prospect of suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s. That’s one very good reason to take care of your brain!

Believe it or not, brain health is easier to manage than you realize. There are plenty of nutritional ways to feed your mind to maintain cognitive function and even improve your mental health as you age.

Here are seven nutritional tips for brain health:

1) Get your fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for brain health. Eating fatty fish such as sardines, salmon, or mackerel, improve cognitive function, increase brain blood flow, and improve memory retention. If you don’t like fish, eat walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds… or take Shaklee OmegaGuard.

2) Eat healthy fats. The healthy fats found in nuts, seeds, olive oil, and avocados support brain health by maintaining cell membrane integrity, a key for new brain cell growth. Healthy fats protect against cognitive decline and support brain function.

3) Consume plenty of antioxidant-rich foods. They play a major role in maintaining brain health and fighting oxidative stress that kills neurons.

4) Make whole grains a part of your diet. Whole grains are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals and fiber. All of these support brain health, regulating blood sugar levels which plays an important role in maintaining cognitive function. Whole grains, such as whole wheat, oats, brown rice, and quinoa provide you with a steady supply of energy and plenty of nutrients.

5) Stay hydrated. Dehydration is deleterious for mood and cognitive function, particularly for those with dementia. And one study proved that even dehydrated college students struggled with memory, self-esteem, attention, and energy.

6) Reduce saturated fat. Saturated and trans fats are typically found in fried foods, baked goods, and other processed foods. These can increase inflammation, which can contribute to cognitive decline.

7) Limit alcohol. Alcohol consumption has an immediate impact on the brain and body. While there may be some health benefits from a glass of red wine, excessive consumption can destroy your brain health. Too much alcohol contributes to cognitive decline, leads to impaired judgment, and can lead to neuron death. If you want the antioxidant protection of the polyphenols found in red wine, try supplementing with Vivix instead.

While nutrition is key to overall health, it’s particularly beneficial for your brain. Follow these tips and feed your brain the nutrients it needs to support cognitive function and stave off neurodegenerative diseases.

The Story of Vivix

Shaklee supplements for tip-top brain power!

Just like every other organ in your body, your brain will perform its best and remain healthy with the right nutrients. Here are some supplements that will help:

____ A Shaklee exclusive: MindWorks. This proprietary formula has been shown in multiple clinical and laboratory studies to significantly enhance short-term memory, sharpen focus, improve reaction time, protect against age-related cognitive decline, and support healthy circulation.

____ OmegaGuard. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are fundamental building blocks for your brain cells. OmegaGuard provides a full spectrum of seven ultra-pure, pharmaceutical-grade omega-3 fatty acids for superior health.

____ CarotoMax. Although some powerful members of this carotenoid family… lutein and zeaxanthin… are more known for supporting eye health, research has shown ties between these carotenoids and maintaining normal, healthy cognitive function.

CarotoMax provides over 13 mg of the carotenoids lutein, lycopene, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and astaxanthin per serving…. more than 1.5 times the average daily intake.

Other Shaklee supplements for brain health are:

____ Lecithin
____ B-Complex
____ Vita-E Complex
____ OsteoMatrix
____ Sustained Release VitalMag
____ Zinc Complex
____ Turmeric Boost

MindWorks, from Shaklee

Sun protection… from the inside out!

While most of us (especially those living in northern climates) love spending as much time as possible outside, the source of all that warmth and light… the sun… has almost become… the enemy!

All we seem to hear on the news anymore is statistics about UV rays and wrinkles, damaged eyesight, and skin tumors. While it’s estimated that over 100,000 people will develop melanoma this year… and 8,000 will die from it… you can largely protect yourself with a few common sense measures:

⇒⇒ Apply SPF 30 for Body when you are outdoors.

⇒⇒ If you are in and out of the water or are sweating profusely, reapply SPF 30 for Body every hour.

⇒⇒ Wear protective clothing such as a big floppy hat in the sun and long sleeves and pants if you burn easily.

⇒⇒ Protect your eyes with UV blocking sunglasses.

What most people don’t realize is that SPF products and protective clothing cannot keep all UVA and UVB rays from entering your cells. But… the nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin (two carotenoids always found together in nature that protect the cells from UV damage) are present not only in the skin, but are also concentrated in the macula, the part of the retina responsible for clear central vision.

You’ll find both lutein and zeaxanthin in CarotoMax… “internal shade” from the sun that will let you play a little longer outdoors!

For even better internal sun protection…

Shaklee scientists talk a lot about synergy. Cellular synergy is defined as the interaction of two or more nutrients working together to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate benefits.

When it comes to antioxidant supplements that work together to shield you internally from UVA and UVB sun damage, adding Vivix… a potent source of polyphenols… to CarotoMax provides powerful protective synergy your cells will love!

The Science Behind Vivix Gummies

Making a Difference! is not an official Shaklee publication. It is compiled from publicly available information and is published for educational purposes only. No promises or guarantees are intended or implied. Copyright © June 2024 SHAIDS[email protected] •  662-262-2260

Sharon Altig – Issue #258

This issue of Making a Difference! is brought to you by…

Altig & Associates
Sharon Altig
1.425.827.2485   •   1.800.827.2485
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In this issue…

Another headache? When to seek professional help for a headache
All about headaches…
The best nutrients and Shaklee supplements for headache prevention and treatment…
7 nutrition tips to feed your brain
Shaklee supplements for tip-top brain power!
Sun protection… from the inside out! For even better internal sun protection…

“Contrary to the belief of some people, brain work DOES require a great deal of energy. Brain cells… must be supplied with protein, vitamins, and minerals, [plus lecithin, whole protein and phosphorus].

Being a physical organ, it must be nourished in the same manner as all other organs, so make sure you supply the necessary nutrition. Weakened, starving brain cells will give trouble to your mental processes, just as weakened, starving cells in your legs will give you trouble in walking.

~ A Study Course in Nutrition by Forrest Shaklee Sr., DC, DD

Another headache?

If you’re like most people, you’ve experienced a headache or two… or more… at some point in time. If you suffer from them frequently, you’re acutely aware of just how much they affect your quality of life. Headaches can start anywhere, at any time, and they can affect just one part of your head or involve all of it. Paying close attention to specific details when you’re suffering from a headache can help pinpoint the proper treatment.

You may be prone to headaches because of stress, depression, or anxiety. There are also medical reasons such as an infection or high blood pressure that cause headaches. Even the weather can give you a headache!

The severity of the pain you experience can also help your healthcare professional diagnose the cause of your headaches and work with you to find a solution.

When to seek professional help for a headache

It’s important to get the advice of your healthcare practitioner about your headache if:

♦♦ It is persistent
♦♦ It is severe
♦♦ It occurs frequently
♦♦ It doesn’t go away after taking medication
♦♦ It is accompanied by confusion, fever, stiffness in the neck, or sensory changes.

All about headaches…

According to the World Health Organization, headaches are extremely common. While nearly everyone has a headache occasionally, up to 1 adult in 20 has a headache every… or nearly every… day. The more serious migraine headache is also very common affecting at least 1 adult in every 7 in the world.

Headaches fall into two categories: primary and secondary.

Primary headaches are usually caused by problems in the structure of the head and the neck, and are not related to other processes elsewhere in the body. Overactivity of specific muscles, nerves, blood vessels, or certain brain chemicals can also trigger this type of headache. Cluster and tension headaches are good examples of primary headaches.

Secondary headaches are caused by other processes in the body outside the head, often a result of underlying medical conditions. Pregnancy, infection, stroke, hypothyroidism, and brain tumors are only some of the conditions that can cause secondary headaches.

Types of headaches

Tension-type headaches. This is a primary headache that usually starts in the middle of the day. You can recognize them by:

____ A feeling of a tight band around your head.
____ A dull, yet constant ache on both sides of your head.
____ Pain radiating up from your neck.

Tension-type headaches are further divided into episodic attacks that last for short periods, and chronic tension headaches, which happen 15 or more days a month and can last from 30 minutes to as long as a week.

Migraines. This more severe type of headache often occurs as a pulsating, throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head.

Other symptoms that accompany a migraine episode include:

____ Sensory disturbance
____ Sensitivity to sound and light
____ Light-headedness
____ Nausea
____ Vomiting

Migraines are very common. While an episode can last for days, sometimes the symptoms only continue for a few hours. Some people have migraines once a year, while others experience them weekly.

Medication-overuse headache. Also known as a rebound headache, these occur when a person takes pain medication… often opiates… too often. People who suffer from migraines frequently are at risk of developing medication-overuse headaches.

Cluster Headache. These headaches can affect a person one to eight times per day. One attack may last 15 minutes or even as many as three hours or more. People who have cluster headaches experience them frequently over periods from four to twelve months. They can subsequently have long periods with no headaches at all.

The symptoms often include:

____ Severe pain
____ Pain around one eye only
____ Drooping eyelid
____ Runny nose
____ Tearing in the eyes
____ Sweating
____ Reduced pupil size in one eye

Thunderclap headache. Sudden and severe, these headaches are often described as “the worst headache I have ever had.” Thunderclap headaches reach maximum intensity in under a minute, but residual pain will continue for much longer.

Thunderclap headaches should not be ignored as they can indicate a life-threatening process, including:

____ Aneurysm
____ Meningitis
____ Pituitary apoplexy
____ Blood clot in the brain
____ Bleeding in the brain

The best nutrients and Shaklee supplements for headache prevention and treatment…

The best nutrients and Shaklee supplements for headache prevention and treatment…

Magnesium (Sustained Release VitalMag)

It seems that people with migraines have lower levels of magnesium than the rest of us. Studies suggest that 400 milligrams of magnesium daily for at least 3 months may help alleviate migraines.

Riboflavin/vitamin B2 (B-Complex)

Research has shown that people with migraines may have a malfunction in the metabolic process which could be responsible.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQHeart)

In one small study, people with migraines were given coenzyme Q10 each day. More than 60% of them had a 50% drop in the number of days they had a migraine.

Melatonin (Dream Serene)

Melatonin, a natural hormone, is similar to indomethacin, an anti-inflammatory drug used to treat aches, pains, and migraines. Research shows that those with chronic migraines have very low levels of melatonin and might benefit from supplementation.

Vitamin D (Vita-D3)

An analysis of five premier studies found that taking vitamin D supplements significantly decreased the duration, frequency, and severity of migraine headaches, compared with taking a placebo, and another concluded that taking 1,000 – 4,000 IU per day of vitamin D might help reduce the frequency of migraine episodes.


Dream Serene | All-Night Zzz’s

7 nutrition tips to feed your brain

For most people as they age, there are few things more frightening than the prospect of suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s. That’s one very good reason to take care of your brain!

Believe it or not, brain health is easier to manage than you realize. There are plenty of nutritional ways to feed your mind to maintain cognitive function and even improve your mental health as you age.

Here are seven nutritional tips for brain health:

1) Get your fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for brain health. Eating fatty fish such as sardines, salmon, or mackerel, improve cognitive function, increase brain blood flow, and improve memory retention. If you don’t like fish, eat walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds… or take Shaklee OmegaGuard.

2) Eat healthy fats. The healthy fats found in nuts, seeds, olive oil, and avocados support brain health by maintaining cell membrane integrity, a key for new brain cell growth. Healthy fats protect against cognitive decline and support brain function.

3) Consume plenty of antioxidant-rich foods. They play a major role in maintaining brain health and fighting oxidative stress that kills neurons.

4) Make whole grains a part of your diet. Whole grains are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals and fiber. All of these support brain health, regulating blood sugar levels which plays an important role in maintaining cognitive function. Whole grains, such as whole wheat, oats, brown rice, and quinoa provide you with a steady supply of energy and plenty of nutrients.

5) Stay hydrated. Dehydration is deleterious for mood and cognitive function, particularly for those with dementia. And one study proved that even dehydrated college students struggled with memory, self-esteem, attention, and energy.

6) Reduce saturated fat. Saturated and trans fats are typically found in fried foods, baked goods, and other processed foods. These can increase inflammation, which can contribute to cognitive decline.

7) Limit alcohol. Alcohol consumption has an immediate impact on the brain and body. While there may be some health benefits from a glass of red wine, excessive consumption can destroy your brain health. Too much alcohol contributes to cognitive decline, leads to impaired judgment, and can lead to neuron death. If you want the antioxidant protection of the polyphenols found in red wine, try supplementing with Vivix instead.

While nutrition is key to overall health, it’s particularly beneficial for your brain. Follow these tips and feed your brain the nutrients it needs to support cognitive function and stave off neurodegenerative diseases.

The Story of Vivix

Shaklee supplements for tip-top brain power!

Just like every other organ in your body, your brain will perform its best and remain healthy with the right nutrients. Here are some supplements that will help:

____ A Shaklee exclusive: MindWorks. This proprietary formula has been shown in multiple clinical and laboratory studies to significantly enhance short-term memory, sharpen focus, improve reaction time, protect against age-related cognitive decline, and support healthy circulation.

____ OmegaGuard. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are fundamental building blocks for your brain cells. OmegaGuard provides a full spectrum of seven ultra-pure, pharmaceutical-grade omega-3 fatty acids for superior health.

____ CarotoMax. Although some powerful members of this carotenoid family… lutein and zeaxanthin… are more known for supporting eye health, research has shown ties between these carotenoids and maintaining normal, healthy cognitive function.

CarotoMax provides over 13 mg of the carotenoids lutein, lycopene, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and astaxanthin per serving…. more than 1.5 times the average daily intake.

Other Shaklee supplements for brain health are:

____ Lecithin
____ B-Complex
____ Vita-E Complex
____ OsteoMatrix
____ Sustained Release VitalMag
____ Zinc Complex
____ Turmeric Boost

MindWorks, from Shaklee

Sun protection… from the inside out!

While most of us (especially those living in northern climates) love spending as much time as possible outside, the source of all that warmth and light… the sun… has almost become… the enemy!

All we seem to hear on the news anymore is statistics about UV rays and wrinkles, damaged eyesight, and skin tumors. While it’s estimated that over 100,000 people will develop melanoma this year… and 8,000 will die from it… you can largely protect yourself with a few common sense measures:

⇒⇒ Apply SPF 30 for Body when you are outdoors.

⇒⇒ If you are in and out of the water or are sweating profusely, reapply SPF 30 for Body every hour.

⇒⇒ Wear protective clothing such as a big floppy hat in the sun and long sleeves and pants if you burn easily.

⇒⇒ Protect your eyes with UV blocking sunglasses.

What most people don’t realize is that SPF products and protective clothing cannot keep all UVA and UVB rays from entering your cells. But… the nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin (two carotenoids always found together in nature that protect the cells from UV damage) are present not only in the skin, but are also concentrated in the macula, the part of the retina responsible for clear central vision.

You’ll find both lutein and zeaxanthin in CarotoMax… “internal shade” from the sun that will let you play a little longer outdoors!

For even better internal sun protection…

Shaklee scientists talk a lot about synergy. Cellular synergy is defined as the interaction of two or more nutrients working together to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate benefits.

When it comes to antioxidant supplements that work together to shield you internally from UVA and UVB sun damage, adding Vivix… a potent source of polyphenols… to CarotoMax provides powerful protective synergy your cells will love!

The Science Behind Vivix Gummies

Making a Difference! is not an official Shaklee publication. It is compiled from publicly available information and is published for educational purposes only. No promises or guarantees are intended or implied. Copyright © June 2024 SHAIDS[email protected] •  662-262-2260

Alma Esakoff – Issue #257

This issue of Making a Difference! is brought to you by…

Alma Esakoff
(805) 748-6336
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In this issue…

Got immunity? Want more? Nutrients that power immunity…
Ten simple habits that will improve your immune system
The best foods for immune health… New! Looking good with Simpli-5…
The best of both… YOUTH and Pomifera
Aching joints and muscles? Here’s Shaklee’s solution…
One nutrient that alleviates pain…

I bother with my diet because I believe in treating my body fairly. You believe in the prevention of disease, I’m sure. Well, through the use of natural nutrition, you are certainly treating your body fairly.

One thing is certain… treating disease is only necessary AFTER one has lost their health.
Even then, the nutrition way to health will help… regain it.

Yes, I believe in both modalities. I believe in walking for health, but I don’t condemn the use of an auto-mobile or plane in covering long distances.

Remember, a treatment, in itself, is not a cure. It is only an assist to Nature. “ONLY NATURE CURES”.”

~ A Study Course in Nutrition by Forrest Shaklee Sr., DC, DD

Got immunity? Want more?

Throughout life, there are so many things that have a profound effect on your immune system. One of the biggest impacts come directly from the daily habits you adopt as part of your lifestyle. So often we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, relegating building a strong immune system to the backburner. We prioritize everything else… that is until weak immunity gives us a wake-up call in the form of a health crisis.

That’s why it’s so important to become aware of the daily habits that can weaken your immune system and put you on a downward spiral toward poor health. The great news is, you have control over the habits and lifestyle you adopt and with a few simple tweaks, you can start building a super-strong immune system in no time! Read on…

Nutrients that power immunity…

♦♦ Vitamin C (from Sustained Release Vita-C)… a powerful antioxidant and also has a key role in maintaining tooth, gum, bone, muscle, and blood vessel health.

♦♦ Vitamin D (Vita-D3) plays a vital role in your immunity, heart health, calcium absorption, and bone strength.

♦♦ Zinc (Zinc Complex) helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses.
Triple Defense Boost contains all three of these nutrients and much more!

Ten simple habits that will improve your immune system

Here are 10 simple tweaks you can make that will boost your immune system and build the foundation for good health.

1) Reduce sugar. The less sugar you consume, the stronger your immune system gets. Why? Sugar has a negative effect on the white blood cells that fight off bacteria and infection, weakening your immune system. Sugar is found in everything these days so… read labels, cut back on sugary drinks and add more fresh fruits and veggies to your diet. You’ll feel so much better!

2) Have more fun. While it may seem odd, making time to have a little fun each day, let loose, laugh and enjoy life can have a huge impact on your stress level, boosting your immunity.

3) Hydrate! Make sure you drink enough water each and every day. Water plays an important role in providing your cells with enough oxygen. It also assists in removing toxins from your body that can build up and damage your immune system, leading to a plethora of health issues.

4) Wash your hands. When you think about all the places you go and all the things you touch every day, it makes sense to adopt this habit. Scrub your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to eliminate germs and residue. Hand sanitizer is also a great option when you cannot wash.

5) Get outside. Spend as much time as you can in nature… soaking up the sun and breathing in fresh air. Walking can help you clear your head, improve your mood and decrease your stress level… boosting your immune system. The healing power of nature can be found nowhere else.

6) Put your phone down before bed. According to the National Institute of Health, scrolling through your phone right before bed can disrupt your sleep cycle by suppressing melatonin, a natural hormone in your body that prepares you for sleep…. a vital part of a healthy, strong immune system. Instead, create a nighttime routine that doesn’t include electronics. Take a warm, relaxing bubble bath, read a good book or write in your journal to prepare for a night of uninterrupted, restful sleep.

7) Connect with others. Your immune system can be affected by how much connection and socialization you get. Being around others can boost your self-confidence, reduce stress and even strengthen your immune system.

8) Eat your veggies. Vegetables contain a ton of vitamins and minerals that assist your immune system in fighting off germs and illness.

9) Create a self-care routine. In the chaos of everyday life, we often forget to make time for our own needs. When you set aside time to decompress, you’re not only giving yourself the chance to recharge, you’re ultimately helping your immune system to build a wall against illness and infection.

10) Take Shaklee supplements. Actually, the FIRST step you should take to improve your immunity is start on a comprehensive supplementation program to fill in any nutritional gaps that are affecting your health. Begin with Vitalizer, Life Shake, Nutriferon, and Triple Defense Boost. Add Vita-E Complex, B-Complex, Vita-D3 and Zinc Complex if you know your immunity is already compromised.

A strong immune system is the foundation of good health. So take a look at your daily habits and see where you can make some simple tweaks… small changes that will promote a stronger immune system and a healthier YOU.

Health Chat | Immunity

The best foods for immune health…

⇒⇒ Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and elderberries… the most powerful antioxidants
⇒⇒ Flax seeds, walnuts and salmon… for essential fatty acids
⇒⇒ Yogurt… contains probiotics for a healthy gut
⇒⇒ Garlic… the allicin in garlic is a natural antibiotic
⇒⇒ Oysters, lobsters, clams and crabs… for the selenium that produces cytokines, proteins which fight flu viruses
⇒⇒ Black and green tea… for the L-theanine which strengthens immunity
⇒⇒ Lean beef… for zinc, a common nutrient deficiency, is important for a strong immune system
⇒⇒ Mushrooms… especially reishi, shiitake and maitake… give your white blood cells a boost.
⇒⇒ Kimchee, pickles, sauerkraut and olives… fermented foods that deliver “good” bacteria to the gut, powering natural defenses against pathogens and creating helpful antibodies.
⇒⇒ Coconut oil… lauric acid converts to monolaurin, the same immune-strengthening compound found in breast milk.

Start adding these immunity-boosting foods to your diet and increase your physical activity to create a powerful one-two punch that knock out sickness, disease and infection.

New! Looking good with Simpli-5…

Here’s everything you need for an everyday makeup look while caring for your skin:

Step 1: Apply YOUTH® BB Cream… a long-wear, 5-in-1 beauty balm that can be used under (or instead of) foundation to cover imperfections and even the look of skin tone. The multitasking formula draws moisture to skin, helps reduce the look of fine lines, and defends skin against damaging UVA/UVB rays. Available in 4 shades for all skin tones.

Step 2: Sculpt your face with Pomifera® Tone: Bronzer + Contour… a simplified bronzing and precision contour stick for the perfect look.

Step 3: Add lip base and blush with Pomifera Tint: Lip + Cheek… a sheer, buildable color stick with a creamy texture and matte finish for use as a lip tint and blush. Makes the perfect base for Glaze: Lip Oil. Available in 3 shades.

Step 4: Volumize your lashes with YOUTH Lash Revitalizing and Conditioning Mascara… a 2-in-1 lash conditioner and mascara that lengthens, volumizes, and lifts to help create fuller-looking lashes. Specially formulated with our Botanical Complex and Lash Protection Complex, this product also helps strengthen lashes and defend against environmental damage. The innovative 2-sided brush enables you to create volume with shorter bristles and add definition with longer bristles

Step 5: Perfect your pout with Pomifera Glaze: Lip Oil… a vegan lip oil with the shine of a gloss, the comfort of a balm, and a touch of sheer color. This high-shine lip oil glides on easily without a sticky feel. Formulated with a proprietary blend of avocado oil and shea butter and infused with anti-aging pomifera oil to moisturize, protect, and nourish the lips. Available in 3 lightly tinted shades.

Directions for use…


Apply to fingertip, placing small dabs of the cream on your face in numerous places. Gently spread and smooth together for a flawless appearance. Apply once for a natural look or layer for more complete coverage.

Pomifera Tone: Bronzer and Contour

Glide across hollows of the cheeks, using fingertips or bronzing brush to blend.

Pomifera Tint: Lip and Cheek

Glide across lips and apples of the cheeks, using fingertips to blend.

YOUTH Lash Revitalizing and Conditioning Mascara

Position wand horizontally and zigzag from side to side, then base to tip, to achieve maximum volume, length, and lift. Hold wand vertically and stroke upward to curl and define lashes. Layer generously as desired.

Pomifera Glaze: Lip Oil

Apply over bare lips or over your favorite lip color.

And remember… all Shaklee products are 100% Money Back Guaranteed.
Even if it’s 100% used up!

The best of both… YOUTH and Pomifera

We all love healthy skin, and Shaklee wants to provide as many options as possible to keep your skin clean, soft, and glowing. This is why Shaklee has added Pomifera to their selection of personal care and skin care solutions.

When you use YOUTH and Pomifera products together, you get a double dose of amazing skin care and beauty technologies from Nature.

YOUTH products are formulated with patent-pending Youth Complex harnessing the power of botanicals to address the multiple signs of aging. With eight patents and patents pending, each and every YOUTH product is specifically formulated to address the multiple effects of aging, whether it be your lifestyle, environmental damage, or natural aging.

Pomifera products are powered by pomifera oil, an anti-aging botanical oil and a potent source of antioxidants, omega-6, and other bioactives. This oil is cold-press isolated from the seeds of the Maclura pomifera fruit and combined with plant oils to create everyday essentials for visibly healthy, glowing skin.

Combining Pomifera with YOUTH Skin Care gives you clean beauty solutions that your skin will love. These two different, yet powerful, product lines used together will keep your skin healthy and radiant.

YOUTH® Ingredients

Aching joints and muscles? Here’s Shaklee’s solution…

No pain, no gain… right? It’s a common expression… but if you were to ask the 50 million people suffering from pain, they would quickly tell you that there is much more to be gained with no pain!

Pain is your body’s warning system, and it can come again and again. Whether it’s because of overuse or activity after long periods of non-use, our joints and muscles especially experience pain. Our bodies fall victim to arthritis, backaches, muscle strains, sore joints, and more, all of which interfere with your quality of life.

Pain aside, Americans thrive on sports and active recreation and are constantly searching for new ways to challenge their bodies. Nevertheless, when the pain occurs, you want immediate relief by the best means possible.

Joint & Muscle Pain Cream is the solution! This amazing product provides quick penetrating relief from pain caused by arthritis, simple backaches, muscle strains and sprains, bruises, and cramps.

♦♦ Soothes aching joints and muscles with a potent menthol formula.
♦♦ Fast absorption.
♦♦ Provides prolonged release action optimizing effectiveness against joint and muscle pain.
♦♦ Improves blood circulation.

Just rub into the affected area and enjoy quick relief… naturally!

And add Pain Relief Complex for a powerful 1-2 punch!

One nutrient that alleviates pain…

Scientific studies have linked a deficiency in vitamin D to an increase in body pain, lower back pain, fibromyalgia and even multiple sclerosis. Evidence suggests that vitamin D is a much more important nutrient than previously thought and in fact behaves more like a hormone than a vitamin in your body.

Since we get vitamin D from sun exposure, most Americans are deficient due to regular use of sunblock. Supplementing with Shaklee Vita-D3 will ensure that you’re getting enough of this critical nutrient.

Shaklee Vita-D

Note: Vita-D3 packaging has been updated and is now even more powerful than the original formula.

Making a Difference! is not an official Shaklee publication. It is compiled from publicly available information and is published for educational purposes only. No promises or guarantees are intended or implied. Copyright © May 2024 SHAIDS[email protected] •  662-262-2260

Alma Esakoff – Issue #256

This issue of Making a Difference! is brought to you by…

Alma Esakoff
(805) 748-6336
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In this issue…

Effective… maybe. But is it safe? How making the “switch” saves you money!
Super stains? Try “Super Shaklee”!
Keep it organized with… the Get Clean Caddy Organizer Kit
Why you need iron…
Signs that you may need more iron…
Shaklee’s iron-rich supplements…
Oh joy! It’s ah-ah-ah-choo season! Allergy stats…

I should point out to you that health-building is not an overnight proposition. How long has it been since your tissue cells have had a square meal, free of toxic contamination? Has it been months? Perhaps years? Certainly, during that time, there has been quite an accumulation of waste matter.”

~ A Study Course in Nutrition by Forrest Shaklee Sr., DC, DD



Effective… maybe. But is it safe?

How many different household products have you used in the past week? Do you know what’s in them? Are they safe? What about the possible negative effects upon your health? And… how much do they damage the earth?

From the very beginning, the Shaklee Philosophy incorporated the belief that a healthy lifestyle also includes keeping our planet healthy and safe, as well. Other companies are finally jumping on the bandwagon because a growing number of consumers are refusing to use products that damage not only our health, but the environment, too.

If you haven’t already, take a giant step toward environmental responsibility by replacing all of the cleaners in your home with safe Get Clean household products. You’ll not only be taking a stand against pollution, but you’ll find Get Clean to be more effective, pleasant to use, much more economical and vastly safer, than the products they’re replacing.

The Science Behind Our Natural Products

How making the “switch” saves you money!

Start with a Get Clean Starter Kit. It replaces:

♦♦ 60 32-oz bottles of Fantastik®
♦♦ 32 32-oz bottles of Mop ‘n Glo®
♦♦ 728 26-oz bottles of Windex®
♦♦ 1 50-oz bottle of Woolite®
♦♦ 50+ Mr Clean® Magic Erasers
♦♦ 2.5 45-oz boxes of Cascade®
♦♦ 2 50-oz boxes of Tide®
♦♦ 3 20-oz bottles of Downy®
♦♦ 1 box of Bounce®

Now that’s economy!

What’s in the Get Clean Starter Kit?

NOTE: Germ Off Wipes (discontinued) have been replaced with Scour Off.


Super stains? Try “Super Shaklee”!

What are the worst stains and cleaning problems you encounter? Grease? Motor oil? Ground-in dirt? Carpet stains from pets? Whatever it is, you can find a safe, biodegradable Shaklee answer! With Shaklee cleaners in your home, it’s not necessary to resort to harsh, commercial products, something that people who are concerned about the environment and personal safety are loathe to do.

So what are your worst cleaning chores?

Cooking oils in clothes

For best results, use Fresh Laundry Liquid directly on stain, work into fabric, soak in hot water for 15 minutes, then wash in Fresh Laundry (liquid or powder), adding Nature Bright to the wash water. Make sure stain is gone before putting in dryer. If stain is really set into fabric, try making a paste of Scour Off, Nature Bright and water and letting it soak in before washing. To remove odor from fabric, add 1/4 cup of Basic-G+ to wash water and cut amount of Fresh Laundry slightly.

Motor oil, automotive grease

For best results (stained clothing), rub diluted Scour Off into fabric, soak in hot water for 15 minutes, then wash in Fresh Laundry, adding Nature Bright to the water. Make sure stain is gone before putting in dryer.

For motor oil or automotive grease on other surfaces such as garage floors, wet floor with 1 Tbsp. Basic H2 in a gallon of water, then sprinkle on Dish Washer Automatic Powder and Nature Bright. Work into floor with scrub brush or broom. Allow to soak for 20 minutes then rinse with hot water. Repeat as necessary.

Ground-in dirt

Most tough dirt stains will come out of clothes by pre-spotting with Fresh Laundry Liquid before washing.

Sticky tape residue or gum

Apply Scour Off mixed with a little water to sticky area. Let soak, the rub gently with a micro-fiber pad. Rinse and repeat if necessary. If gum is in carpet or hair, apply Scour Off and water, rub with fingers (for hair) or a sponge (for carpet), then rinse out residue.

Pet stains on carpet

Pet stains come with odor as well. To remove both the stain and the smell, mix 2 Tbsp. Basic-G+ in 1 quart water. Whip or shake until sudsy. Apply suds to stained area, working in well, but taking care not to soak carpet. Allow to dry, then vacuum.

Stains on formica

Most stains of this type come clean with an application of Scour Off and water on a micro-fiber pad. Work into surface, let stand for a few minutes, then rinse.

Health Chat | Healthy Home

Keep it organized with… the Get Clean Caddy Organizer Kit

Wherever Get Clean products go, Get Clean Accessories follow. They make it easy to use just the right amount of Get Clean for every household chore.

The beautiful Get Clean Caddy Organizer Kit contains the accessories you need to use Get Clean products in your home:

♦♦ Carrying Caddy (1)
♦♦ Spray Bottles (3):

◊◊ Windows and Mirrors
◊◊ All-Purpose
◊◊ Degreasing

♦♦ Basic H2™ Full Strength
♦♦ Dispenser Bottle with Dropper Tip (1)
♦♦ Pump for 32 oz. Bottle (2)
♦♦ Laundry Measuring Scoops (2)
♦♦ Dual Measuring Spoon (1)
♦♦ Cleaning Accessories (4)
♦♦ Super Microfiber Cleaning Cloth
♦♦ Super Microfiber Window Cloth
♦♦ Super Microfiber Dish Sponge
♦♦ Miracle Scrubber Pad

Why you need iron…

Do you ever feel worn out, too tired to exercise or get through the day? Do you find yourself short of breath? Does your heart suddenly start beating too fast? Are your hands and feet cold? If you have any of these symptoms, you could be deficient in iron.

Iron is a mineral that our bodies need in order to function properly. While iron is important for everyone, women need it more due to their specific reproductive and biological requirements.

One of the most important roles of iron is the production of red blood cells. It is also a part of a compound known as hemoglobin that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues and returning carbon dioxide from the same tissues back to the lungs.

Iron deficiency (anemia) is extremely common in the U.S. It can cause extreme tiredness, weakness, and with an inability to concentrate because the cells aren’t getting enough oxygen.
Your body needs iron for:

Energy production

Almost every cell in our body creates energy by burning calories. However, this is a process that requires iron. If you’re suffering from chronic or unexplained fatigue, check your iron level as the compound that transports oxygen within our body contains iron. Without oxygen, your body simply cannot function efficiently. That’s why an optimum level of iron will keep you energetic, healthy, and fit.

Oxygen transport

This is without a doubt the most important role of iron. Every single tissue in the body needs a constant supply of oxygen. Red cells in our blood contain hemoglobin which delivers oxygen to our tissues and then removes carbon dioxide.

Brain function

Since the brain uses roughly 20% of the blood oxygen in our body, iron is directly related to increased cognitive function and improved brain health and a decreased risk of cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Immune strength

When you consume enough iron, your body can fight infections and diseases. Iron also provides oxygen to help heal damaged cells and tissues.

Restful sleep

If you have insomnia, try increasing your iron intake. Why? Red blood cells have a big impact on your sleep, as they help maintain normal blood pressure levels, a factor in your ability to fall asleep.

Enzyme function

Certain enzyme systems heavily rely on the presence of iron. If these systems don’t function properly, they can cause certain organ systems to slow down significantly, or to even shut down in some cases.

Chronic disease treatment

Iron is known for its ability to help in the treatment of certain chronic diseases of the excretory and intestinal system. In fact, iron is a key part of numerous processes in many of the body’s systems.

Regulation of body temperature

When your body temperature is stable, metabolic and enzymatic functions reach an optimal level. Iron plays a key role in this process.

Neurotransmitter synthesis

Iron is vital for the synthesis of numerous essential neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. These chemicals have a huge effect on a number of different activities involving neurons. These neurotransmitters are also linked to motivation, energy levels and elevated mood.

Signs that you may need more iron…

Common symptoms of iron deficiency include:

⇒⇒ Shortness of breath
⇒⇒ Fast heartbeat
⇒⇒ Restless leg syndrome
⇒⇒ Sore tongue
⇒⇒ Cold hands and feet
⇒⇒ Trouble concentrating
⇒⇒ Lack of motivation/energy
⇒⇒ Brittle hair and nails
⇒⇒ Mouth sores
⇒⇒ Significant weight changes
⇒⇒ Mood changes
⇒⇒ Difficulty in exercising
⇒⇒ Hair loss
⇒⇒ Difficulty swallowing

Shaklee’s iron-rich supplements…

If you think you may need more iron, try supplementing your diet with:

Liqui-Lea. This time-honored liquid multivitamin, multimineral supplement was Dr. Shaklee’s first product. Named Vitalized Minerals when it was first introduced, Liqui-Lea enters the bloodstream rapidly, carrying nutrients, including iron, to the cells for rapid repair, healing and reproduction. Known in the field as a go-to “spring tonic”, Liqui-Lea helps sluggish cells revive with renewed energy. Try it… you’ll love it!

Iron Plus C Complex. Provides iron in a readily bioavailable form with vitamin C to help increase iron absorption. Each tablet provides 100% of the Daily Value of iron. Iron functions as a structural component of hemoglobin, an essential compound that carries vital oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout the body.

A History of Innovation

Oh joy! It’s ah-ah-ah-choo season!

Spring… it’s exciting! The grass is green once again, trees are leafing out, birds are singing and flowers are blooming everywhere! For most of us, spring is a time to celebrate!
But for 58 million Americans, spring also means sneezing, runny noses, red eyes and all of the other symptoms of… allergies!

Most spring allergies are triggered by pollen… tiny grains from trees, grasses, and weeds that fertilize other plants. The immune system, mistaking the pollen for foreign invaders, releases antibodies that normally attack bacteria and viruses. The body then floods the blood with histamines, causing the eyes to itch, the nose to run and other allergic responses. This year, try building your immunity against allergies before the sniffles get you with:

♦♦ Alfalfa Complex contains a wealth of minerals, bioflavonoids, protein, vitamins, and chlorophyll.

♦♦ NutriFeron. One of the most powerful formulas ever developed for strengthening the immune system, If you start to feel those allergy symptoms kicking up, some people suggest taking 6 Alfalfa tablets with 3 NutriFeron caplets 2-3 times a day.

Also try:

♦♦ Sustained Release Vita-C
♦♦ Vita-E Complex
♦♦ Defend & Resist Complex
♦♦ Garlic Complex
♦♦ Triple Defense Boost

The Science Behind Immunity

Allergy stats…

⇒⇒ Allergies are the most frequently reported chronic condition in children, limiting activities for more than 40% of them.
⇒⇒ Each year, allergies account for more than 17 million outpatient office visits; half of those are for seasonal allergies.
⇒⇒ More than 7 million doctor visits each year are for skin allergies.
⇒⇒ Food allergies account for 30,000 visits to the emergency room each year.
⇒⇒ 55% of the U.S. population tests positive to one or more allergens.

Making a Difference! is not an official Shaklee publication. It is compiled from publicly available information and is published for educational purposes only. No promises or guarantees are intended or implied. Copyright © April 2024 SHAIDS[email protected] •  662-262-2260

Jenny Williams – Issue #257

This issue of Making a Difference! is brought to you by…

Difference! is brought to you by…Jenny Williams, CNC
870 448 4885 office • 870 504 1503 cell 

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In this issue…

Got immunity? Want more? Nutrients that power immunity…
Ten simple habits that will improve your immune system
The best foods for immune health… New! Looking good with Simpli-5…
The best of both… YOUTH and Pomifera
Aching joints and muscles? Here’s Shaklee’s solution…
One nutrient that alleviates pain…

I bother with my diet because I believe in treating my body fairly. You believe in the prevention of disease, I’m sure. Well, through the use of natural nutrition, you are certainly treating your body fairly.

One thing is certain… treating disease is only necessary AFTER one has lost their health.
Even then, the nutrition way to health will help… regain it.

Yes, I believe in both modalities. I believe in walking for health, but I don’t condemn the use of an auto-mobile or plane in covering long distances.

Remember, a treatment, in itself, is not a cure. It is only an assist to Nature. “ONLY NATURE CURES”.”

~ A Study Course in Nutrition by Forrest Shaklee Sr., DC, DD

Got immunity? Want more?

Throughout life, there are so many things that have a profound effect on your immune system. One of the biggest impacts come directly from the daily habits you adopt as part of your lifestyle. So often we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, relegating building a strong immune system to the backburner. We prioritize everything else… that is until weak immunity gives us a wake-up call in the form of a health crisis.

That’s why it’s so important to become aware of the daily habits that can weaken your immune system and put you on a downward spiral toward poor health. The great news is, you have control over the habits and lifestyle you adopt and with a few simple tweaks, you can start building a super-strong immune system in no time! Read on…

Nutrients that power immunity…

♦♦ Vitamin C (from Sustained Release Vita-C)… a powerful antioxidant and also has a key role in maintaining tooth, gum, bone, muscle, and blood vessel health.

♦♦ Vitamin D (Vita-D3) plays a vital role in your immunity, heart health, calcium absorption, and bone strength.

♦♦ Zinc (Zinc Complex) helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses.
Triple Defense Boost contains all three of these nutrients and much more!

Ten simple habits that will improve your immune system

Here are 10 simple tweaks you can make that will boost your immune system and build the foundation for good health.

1) Reduce sugar. The less sugar you consume, the stronger your immune system gets. Why? Sugar has a negative effect on the white blood cells that fight off bacteria and infection, weakening your immune system. Sugar is found in everything these days so… read labels, cut back on sugary drinks and add more fresh fruits and veggies to your diet. You’ll feel so much better!

2) Have more fun. While it may seem odd, making time to have a little fun each day, let loose, laugh and enjoy life can have a huge impact on your stress level, boosting your immunity.

3) Hydrate! Make sure you drink enough water each and every day. Water plays an important role in providing your cells with enough oxygen. It also assists in removing toxins from your body that can build up and damage your immune system, leading to a plethora of health issues.

4) Wash your hands. When you think about all the places you go and all the things you touch every day, it makes sense to adopt this habit. Scrub your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to eliminate germs and residue. Hand sanitizer is also a great option when you cannot wash.

5) Get outside. Spend as much time as you can in nature… soaking up the sun and breathing in fresh air. Walking can help you clear your head, improve your mood and decrease your stress level… boosting your immune system. The healing power of nature can be found nowhere else.

6) Put your phone down before bed. According to the National Institute of Health, scrolling through your phone right before bed can disrupt your sleep cycle by suppressing melatonin, a natural hormone in your body that prepares you for sleep…. a vital part of a healthy, strong immune system. Instead, create a nighttime routine that doesn’t include electronics. Take a warm, relaxing bubble bath, read a good book or write in your journal to prepare for a night of uninterrupted, restful sleep.

7) Connect with others. Your immune system can be affected by how much connection and socialization you get. Being around others can boost your self-confidence, reduce stress and even strengthen your immune system.

8) Eat your veggies. Vegetables contain a ton of vitamins and minerals that assist your immune system in fighting off germs and illness.

9) Create a self-care routine. In the chaos of everyday life, we often forget to make time for our own needs. When you set aside time to decompress, you’re not only giving yourself the chance to recharge, you’re ultimately helping your immune system to build a wall against illness and infection.

10) Take Shaklee supplements. Actually, the FIRST step you should take to improve your immunity is start on a comprehensive supplementation program to fill in any nutritional gaps that are affecting your health. Begin with Vitalizer, Life Shake, Nutriferon, and Triple Defense Boost. Add Vita-E Complex, B-Complex, Vita-D3 and Zinc Complex if you know your immunity is already compromised.

A strong immune system is the foundation of good health. So take a look at your daily habits and see where you can make some simple tweaks… small changes that will promote a stronger immune system and a healthier YOU.

Health Chat | Immunity

The best foods for immune health…

⇒⇒ Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and elderberries… the most powerful antioxidants
⇒⇒ Flax seeds, walnuts and salmon… for essential fatty acids
⇒⇒ Yogurt… contains probiotics for a healthy gut
⇒⇒ Garlic… the allicin in garlic is a natural antibiotic
⇒⇒ Oysters, lobsters, clams and crabs… for the selenium that produces cytokines, proteins which fight flu viruses
⇒⇒ Black and green tea… for the L-theanine which strengthens immunity
⇒⇒ Lean beef… for zinc, a common nutrient deficiency, is important for a strong immune system
⇒⇒ Mushrooms… especially reishi, shiitake and maitake… give your white blood cells a boost.
⇒⇒ Kimchee, pickles, sauerkraut and olives… fermented foods that deliver “good” bacteria to the gut, powering natural defenses against pathogens and creating helpful antibodies.
⇒⇒ Coconut oil… lauric acid converts to monolaurin, the same immune-strengthening compound found in breast milk.

Start adding these immunity-boosting foods to your diet and increase your physical activity to create a powerful one-two punch that knock out sickness, disease and infection.

New! Looking good with Simpli-5…

Here’s everything you need for an everyday makeup look while caring for your skin:

Step 1: Apply YOUTH® BB Cream… a long-wear, 5-in-1 beauty balm that can be used under (or instead of) foundation to cover imperfections and even the look of skin tone. The multitasking formula draws moisture to skin, helps reduce the look of fine lines, and defends skin against damaging UVA/UVB rays. Available in 4 shades for all skin tones.

Step 2: Sculpt your face with Pomifera® Tone: Bronzer + Contour… a simplified bronzing and precision contour stick for the perfect look.

Step 3: Add lip base and blush with Pomifera Tint: Lip + Cheek… a sheer, buildable color stick with a creamy texture and matte finish for use as a lip tint and blush. Makes the perfect base for Glaze: Lip Oil. Available in 3 shades.

Step 4: Volumize your lashes with YOUTH Lash Revitalizing and Conditioning Mascara… a 2-in-1 lash conditioner and mascara that lengthens, volumizes, and lifts to help create fuller-looking lashes. Specially formulated with our Botanical Complex and Lash Protection Complex, this product also helps strengthen lashes and defend against environmental damage. The innovative 2-sided brush enables you to create volume with shorter bristles and add definition with longer bristles

Step 5: Perfect your pout with Pomifera Glaze: Lip Oil… a vegan lip oil with the shine of a gloss, the comfort of a balm, and a touch of sheer color. This high-shine lip oil glides on easily without a sticky feel. Formulated with a proprietary blend of avocado oil and shea butter and infused with anti-aging pomifera oil to moisturize, protect, and nourish the lips. Available in 3 lightly tinted shades.

Directions for use…


Apply to fingertip, placing small dabs of the cream on your face in numerous places. Gently spread and smooth together for a flawless appearance. Apply once for a natural look or layer for more complete coverage.

Pomifera Tone: Bronzer and Contour

Glide across hollows of the cheeks, using fingertips or bronzing brush to blend.

Pomifera Tint: Lip and Cheek

Glide across lips and apples of the cheeks, using fingertips to blend.

YOUTH Lash Revitalizing and Conditioning Mascara

Position wand horizontally and zigzag from side to side, then base to tip, to achieve maximum volume, length, and lift. Hold wand vertically and stroke upward to curl and define lashes. Layer generously as desired.

Pomifera Glaze: Lip Oil

Apply over bare lips or over your favorite lip color.

And remember… all Shaklee products are 100% Money Back Guaranteed.
Even if it’s 100% used up!

The best of both… YOUTH and Pomifera

We all love healthy skin, and Shaklee wants to provide as many options as possible to keep your skin clean, soft, and glowing. This is why Shaklee has added Pomifera to their selection of personal care and skin care solutions.

When you use YOUTH and Pomifera products together, you get a double dose of amazing skin care and beauty technologies from Nature.

YOUTH products are formulated with patent-pending Youth Complex harnessing the power of botanicals to address the multiple signs of aging. With eight patents and patents pending, each and every YOUTH product is specifically formulated to address the multiple effects of aging, whether it be your lifestyle, environmental damage, or natural aging.

Pomifera products are powered by pomifera oil, an anti-aging botanical oil and a potent source of antioxidants, omega-6, and other bioactives. This oil is cold-press isolated from the seeds of the Maclura pomifera fruit and combined with plant oils to create everyday essentials for visibly healthy, glowing skin.

Combining Pomifera with YOUTH Skin Care gives you clean beauty solutions that your skin will love. These two different, yet powerful, product lines used together will keep your skin healthy and radiant.

YOUTH® Ingredients

Aching joints and muscles? Here’s Shaklee’s solution…

No pain, no gain… right? It’s a common expression… but if you were to ask the 50 million people suffering from pain, they would quickly tell you that there is much more to be gained with no pain!

Pain is your body’s warning system, and it can come again and again. Whether it’s because of overuse or activity after long periods of non-use, our joints and muscles especially experience pain. Our bodies fall victim to arthritis, backaches, muscle strains, sore joints, and more, all of which interfere with your quality of life.

Pain aside, Americans thrive on sports and active recreation and are constantly searching for new ways to challenge their bodies. Nevertheless, when the pain occurs, you want immediate relief by the best means possible.

Joint & Muscle Pain Cream is the solution! This amazing product provides quick penetrating relief from pain caused by arthritis, simple backaches, muscle strains and sprains, bruises, and cramps.

♦♦ Soothes aching joints and muscles with a potent menthol formula.
♦♦ Fast absorption.
♦♦ Provides prolonged release action optimizing effectiveness against joint and muscle pain.
♦♦ Improves blood circulation.

Just rub into the affected area and enjoy quick relief… naturally!

And add Pain Relief Complex for a powerful 1-2 punch!

One nutrient that alleviates pain…

Scientific studies have linked a deficiency in vitamin D to an increase in body pain, lower back pain, fibromyalgia and even multiple sclerosis. Evidence suggests that vitamin D is a much more important nutrient than previously thought and in fact behaves more like a hormone than a vitamin in your body.

Since we get vitamin D from sun exposure, most Americans are deficient due to regular use of sunblock. Supplementing with Shaklee Vita-D3 will ensure that you’re getting enough of this critical nutrient.

Shaklee Vita-D

Note: Vita-D3 packaging has been updated and is now even more powerful than the original formula.

Making a Difference! is not an official Shaklee publication. It is compiled from publicly available information and is published for educational purposes only. No promises or guarantees are intended or implied. Copyright © May 2024 SHAIDS[email protected] •  662-262-2260

Karleen Watts – Issue #257

This issue of Making a Difference! is brought to you by…

Karleen Watts
402-366-4472 cell
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In this issue…

Got immunity? Want more? Nutrients that power immunity…
Ten simple habits that will improve your immune system
The best foods for immune health… New! Looking good with Simpli-5…
The best of both… YOUTH and Pomifera
Aching joints and muscles? Here’s Shaklee’s solution…
One nutrient that alleviates pain…

I bother with my diet because I believe in treating my body fairly. You believe in the prevention of disease, I’m sure. Well, through the use of natural nutrition, you are certainly treating your body fairly.

One thing is certain… treating disease is only necessary AFTER one has lost their health.
Even then, the nutrition way to health will help… regain it.

Yes, I believe in both modalities. I believe in walking for health, but I don’t condemn the use of an auto-mobile or plane in covering long distances.

Remember, a treatment, in itself, is not a cure. It is only an assist to Nature. “ONLY NATURE CURES”.”

~ A Study Course in Nutrition by Forrest Shaklee Sr., DC, DD

Got immunity? Want more?

Throughout life, there are so many things that have a profound effect on your immune system. One of the biggest impacts come directly from the daily habits you adopt as part of your lifestyle. So often we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, relegating building a strong immune system to the backburner. We prioritize everything else… that is until weak immunity gives us a wake-up call in the form of a health crisis.

That’s why it’s so important to become aware of the daily habits that can weaken your immune system and put you on a downward spiral toward poor health. The great news is, you have control over the habits and lifestyle you adopt and with a few simple tweaks, you can start building a super-strong immune system in no time! Read on…

Nutrients that power immunity…

♦♦ Vitamin C (from Sustained Release Vita-C)… a powerful antioxidant and also has a key role in maintaining tooth, gum, bone, muscle, and blood vessel health.

♦♦ Vitamin D (Vita-D3) plays a vital role in your immunity, heart health, calcium absorption, and bone strength.

♦♦ Zinc (Zinc Complex) helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses.
Triple Defense Boost contains all three of these nutrients and much more!

Ten simple habits that will improve your immune system

Here are 10 simple tweaks you can make that will boost your immune system and build the foundation for good health.

1) Reduce sugar. The less sugar you consume, the stronger your immune system gets. Why? Sugar has a negative effect on the white blood cells that fight off bacteria and infection, weakening your immune system. Sugar is found in everything these days so… read labels, cut back on sugary drinks and add more fresh fruits and veggies to your diet. You’ll feel so much better!

2) Have more fun. While it may seem odd, making time to have a little fun each day, let loose, laugh and enjoy life can have a huge impact on your stress level, boosting your immunity.

3) Hydrate! Make sure you drink enough water each and every day. Water plays an important role in providing your cells with enough oxygen. It also assists in removing toxins from your body that can build up and damage your immune system, leading to a plethora of health issues.

4) Wash your hands. When you think about all the places you go and all the things you touch every day, it makes sense to adopt this habit. Scrub your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to eliminate germs and residue. Hand sanitizer is also a great option when you cannot wash.

5) Get outside. Spend as much time as you can in nature… soaking up the sun and breathing in fresh air. Walking can help you clear your head, improve your mood and decrease your stress level… boosting your immune system. The healing power of nature can be found nowhere else.

6) Put your phone down before bed. According to the National Institute of Health, scrolling through your phone right before bed can disrupt your sleep cycle by suppressing melatonin, a natural hormone in your body that prepares you for sleep…. a vital part of a healthy, strong immune system. Instead, create a nighttime routine that doesn’t include electronics. Take a warm, relaxing bubble bath, read a good book or write in your journal to prepare for a night of uninterrupted, restful sleep.

7) Connect with others. Your immune system can be affected by how much connection and socialization you get. Being around others can boost your self-confidence, reduce stress and even strengthen your immune system.

8) Eat your veggies. Vegetables contain a ton of vitamins and minerals that assist your immune system in fighting off germs and illness.

9) Create a self-care routine. In the chaos of everyday life, we often forget to make time for our own needs. When you set aside time to decompress, you’re not only giving yourself the chance to recharge, you’re ultimately helping your immune system to build a wall against illness and infection.

10) Take Shaklee supplements. Actually, the FIRST step you should take to improve your immunity is start on a comprehensive supplementation program to fill in any nutritional gaps that are affecting your health. Begin with Vitalizer, Life Shake, Nutriferon, and Triple Defense Boost. Add Vita-E Complex, B-Complex, Vita-D3 and Zinc Complex if you know your immunity is already compromised.

A strong immune system is the foundation of good health. So take a look at your daily habits and see where you can make some simple tweaks… small changes that will promote a stronger immune system and a healthier YOU.

Health Chat | Immunity

The best foods for immune health…

⇒⇒ Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and elderberries… the most powerful antioxidants
⇒⇒ Flax seeds, walnuts and salmon… for essential fatty acids
⇒⇒ Yogurt… contains probiotics for a healthy gut
⇒⇒ Garlic… the allicin in garlic is a natural antibiotic
⇒⇒ Oysters, lobsters, clams and crabs… for the selenium that produces cytokines, proteins which fight flu viruses
⇒⇒ Black and green tea… for the L-theanine which strengthens immunity
⇒⇒ Lean beef… for zinc, a common nutrient deficiency, is important for a strong immune system
⇒⇒ Mushrooms… especially reishi, shiitake and maitake… give your white blood cells a boost.
⇒⇒ Kimchee, pickles, sauerkraut and olives… fermented foods that deliver “good” bacteria to the gut, powering natural defenses against pathogens and creating helpful antibodies.
⇒⇒ Coconut oil… lauric acid converts to monolaurin, the same immune-strengthening compound found in breast milk.

Start adding these immunity-boosting foods to your diet and increase your physical activity to create a powerful one-two punch that knock out sickness, disease and infection.

New! Looking good with Simpli-5…

Here’s everything you need for an everyday makeup look while caring for your skin:

Step 1: Apply YOUTH® BB Cream… a long-wear, 5-in-1 beauty balm that can be used under (or instead of) foundation to cover imperfections and even the look of skin tone. The multitasking formula draws moisture to skin, helps reduce the look of fine lines, and defends skin against damaging UVA/UVB rays. Available in 4 shades for all skin tones.

Step 2: Sculpt your face with Pomifera® Tone: Bronzer + Contour… a simplified bronzing and precision contour stick for the perfect look.

Step 3: Add lip base and blush with Pomifera Tint: Lip + Cheek… a sheer, buildable color stick with a creamy texture and matte finish for use as a lip tint and blush. Makes the perfect base for Glaze: Lip Oil. Available in 3 shades.

Step 4: Volumize your lashes with YOUTH Lash Revitalizing and Conditioning Mascara… a 2-in-1 lash conditioner and mascara that lengthens, volumizes, and lifts to help create fuller-looking lashes. Specially formulated with our Botanical Complex and Lash Protection Complex, this product also helps strengthen lashes and defend against environmental damage. The innovative 2-sided brush enables you to create volume with shorter bristles and add definition with longer bristles

Step 5: Perfect your pout with Pomifera Glaze: Lip Oil… a vegan lip oil with the shine of a gloss, the comfort of a balm, and a touch of sheer color. This high-shine lip oil glides on easily without a sticky feel. Formulated with a proprietary blend of avocado oil and shea butter and infused with anti-aging pomifera oil to moisturize, protect, and nourish the lips. Available in 3 lightly tinted shades.

Directions for use…


Apply to fingertip, placing small dabs of the cream on your face in numerous places. Gently spread and smooth together for a flawless appearance. Apply once for a natural look or layer for more complete coverage.

Pomifera Tone: Bronzer and Contour

Glide across hollows of the cheeks, using fingertips or bronzing brush to blend.

Pomifera Tint: Lip and Cheek

Glide across lips and apples of the cheeks, using fingertips to blend.

YOUTH Lash Revitalizing and Conditioning Mascara

Position wand horizontally and zigzag from side to side, then base to tip, to achieve maximum volume, length, and lift. Hold wand vertically and stroke upward to curl and define lashes. Layer generously as desired.

Pomifera Glaze: Lip Oil

Apply over bare lips or over your favorite lip color.

And remember… all Shaklee products are 100% Money Back Guaranteed.
Even if it’s 100% used up!

The best of both… YOUTH and Pomifera

We all love healthy skin, and Shaklee wants to provide as many options as possible to keep your skin clean, soft, and glowing. This is why Shaklee has added Pomifera to their selection of personal care and skin care solutions.

When you use YOUTH and Pomifera products together, you get a double dose of amazing skin care and beauty technologies from Nature.

YOUTH products are formulated with patent-pending Youth Complex harnessing the power of botanicals to address the multiple signs of aging. With eight patents and patents pending, each and every YOUTH product is specifically formulated to address the multiple effects of aging, whether it be your lifestyle, environmental damage, or natural aging.

Pomifera products are powered by pomifera oil, an anti-aging botanical oil and a potent source of antioxidants, omega-6, and other bioactives. This oil is cold-press isolated from the seeds of the Maclura pomifera fruit and combined with plant oils to create everyday essentials for visibly healthy, glowing skin.

Combining Pomifera with YOUTH Skin Care gives you clean beauty solutions that your skin will love. These two different, yet powerful, product lines used together will keep your skin healthy and radiant.

YOUTH® Ingredients

Aching joints and muscles? Here’s Shaklee’s solution…

No pain, no gain… right? It’s a common expression… but if you were to ask the 50 million people suffering from pain, they would quickly tell you that there is much more to be gained with no pain!

Pain is your body’s warning system, and it can come again and again. Whether it’s because of overuse or activity after long periods of non-use, our joints and muscles especially experience pain. Our bodies fall victim to arthritis, backaches, muscle strains, sore joints, and more, all of which interfere with your quality of life.

Pain aside, Americans thrive on sports and active recreation and are constantly searching for new ways to challenge their bodies. Nevertheless, when the pain occurs, you want immediate relief by the best means possible.

Joint & Muscle Pain Cream is the solution! This amazing product provides quick penetrating relief from pain caused by arthritis, simple backaches, muscle strains and sprains, bruises, and cramps.

♦♦ Soothes aching joints and muscles with a potent menthol formula.
♦♦ Fast absorption.
♦♦ Provides prolonged release action optimizing effectiveness against joint and muscle pain.
♦♦ Improves blood circulation.

Just rub into the affected area and enjoy quick relief… naturally!

And add Pain Relief Complex for a powerful 1-2 punch!

One nutrient that alleviates pain…

Scientific studies have linked a deficiency in vitamin D to an increase in body pain, lower back pain, fibromyalgia and even multiple sclerosis. Evidence suggests that vitamin D is a much more important nutrient than previously thought and in fact behaves more like a hormone than a vitamin in your body.

Since we get vitamin D from sun exposure, most Americans are deficient due to regular use of sunblock. Supplementing with Shaklee Vita-D3 will ensure that you’re getting enough of this critical nutrient.

Shaklee Vita-D

Note: Vita-D3 packaging has been updated and is now even more powerful than the original formula.

Making a Difference! is not an official Shaklee publication. It is compiled from publicly available information and is published for educational purposes only. No promises or guarantees are intended or implied. Copyright © May 2024 SHAIDS[email protected] •  662-262-2260

Linda Walls – Issue #257

This issue of Making a Difference! is brought to you by…

Linda Walls / Paula Booth
(503) 970-6500 Linda  •  ( 971) 221-5370 Paula
Send Linda An Email
Send Paula An Email
Go Shopping! on Linda’s Website
Go Shopping! on Paula’s Website

In this issue…

Got immunity? Want more? Nutrients that power immunity…
Ten simple habits that will improve your immune system
The best foods for immune health… New! Looking good with Simpli-5…
The best of both… YOUTH and Pomifera
Aching joints and muscles? Here’s Shaklee’s solution…
One nutrient that alleviates pain…

I bother with my diet because I believe in treating my body fairly. You believe in the prevention of disease, I’m sure. Well, through the use of natural nutrition, you are certainly treating your body fairly.

One thing is certain… treating disease is only necessary AFTER one has lost their health.
Even then, the nutrition way to health will help… regain it.

Yes, I believe in both modalities. I believe in walking for health, but I don’t condemn the use of an auto-mobile or plane in covering long distances.

Remember, a treatment, in itself, is not a cure. It is only an assist to Nature. “ONLY NATURE CURES”.”

~ A Study Course in Nutrition by Forrest Shaklee Sr., DC, DD

Got immunity? Want more?

Throughout life, there are so many things that have a profound effect on your immune system. One of the biggest impacts come directly from the daily habits you adopt as part of your lifestyle. So often we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, relegating building a strong immune system to the backburner. We prioritize everything else… that is until weak immunity gives us a wake-up call in the form of a health crisis.

That’s why it’s so important to become aware of the daily habits that can weaken your immune system and put you on a downward spiral toward poor health. The great news is, you have control over the habits and lifestyle you adopt and with a few simple tweaks, you can start building a super-strong immune system in no time! Read on…

Nutrients that power immunity…

♦♦ Vitamin C (from Sustained Release Vita-C)… a powerful antioxidant and also has a key role in maintaining tooth, gum, bone, muscle, and blood vessel health.

♦♦ Vitamin D (Vita-D3) plays a vital role in your immunity, heart health, calcium absorption, and bone strength.

♦♦ Zinc (Zinc Complex) helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses.
Triple Defense Boost contains all three of these nutrients and much more!

Ten simple habits that will improve your immune system

Here are 10 simple tweaks you can make that will boost your immune system and build the foundation for good health.

1) Reduce sugar. The less sugar you consume, the stronger your immune system gets. Why? Sugar has a negative effect on the white blood cells that fight off bacteria and infection, weakening your immune system. Sugar is found in everything these days so… read labels, cut back on sugary drinks and add more fresh fruits and veggies to your diet. You’ll feel so much better!

2) Have more fun. While it may seem odd, making time to have a little fun each day, let loose, laugh and enjoy life can have a huge impact on your stress level, boosting your immunity.

3) Hydrate! Make sure you drink enough water each and every day. Water plays an important role in providing your cells with enough oxygen. It also assists in removing toxins from your body that can build up and damage your immune system, leading to a plethora of health issues.

4) Wash your hands. When you think about all the places you go and all the things you touch every day, it makes sense to adopt this habit. Scrub your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to eliminate germs and residue. Hand sanitizer is also a great option when you cannot wash.

5) Get outside. Spend as much time as you can in nature… soaking up the sun and breathing in fresh air. Walking can help you clear your head, improve your mood and decrease your stress level… boosting your immune system. The healing power of nature can be found nowhere else.

6) Put your phone down before bed. According to the National Institute of Health, scrolling through your phone right before bed can disrupt your sleep cycle by suppressing melatonin, a natural hormone in your body that prepares you for sleep…. a vital part of a healthy, strong immune system. Instead, create a nighttime routine that doesn’t include electronics. Take a warm, relaxing bubble bath, read a good book or write in your journal to prepare for a night of uninterrupted, restful sleep.

7) Connect with others. Your immune system can be affected by how much connection and socialization you get. Being around others can boost your self-confidence, reduce stress and even strengthen your immune system.

8) Eat your veggies. Vegetables contain a ton of vitamins and minerals that assist your immune system in fighting off germs and illness.

9) Create a self-care routine. In the chaos of everyday life, we often forget to make time for our own needs. When you set aside time to decompress, you’re not only giving yourself the chance to recharge, you’re ultimately helping your immune system to build a wall against illness and infection.

10) Take Shaklee supplements. Actually, the FIRST step you should take to improve your immunity is start on a comprehensive supplementation program to fill in any nutritional gaps that are affecting your health. Begin with Vitalizer, Life Shake, Nutriferon, and Triple Defense Boost. Add Vita-E Complex, B-Complex, Vita-D3 and Zinc Complex if you know your immunity is already compromised.

A strong immune system is the foundation of good health. So take a look at your daily habits and see where you can make some simple tweaks… small changes that will promote a stronger immune system and a healthier YOU.

Health Chat | Immunity

The best foods for immune health…

⇒⇒ Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and elderberries… the most powerful antioxidants
⇒⇒ Flax seeds, walnuts and salmon… for essential fatty acids
⇒⇒ Yogurt… contains probiotics for a healthy gut
⇒⇒ Garlic… the allicin in garlic is a natural antibiotic
⇒⇒ Oysters, lobsters, clams and crabs… for the selenium that produces cytokines, proteins which fight flu viruses
⇒⇒ Black and green tea… for the L-theanine which strengthens immunity
⇒⇒ Lean beef… for zinc, a common nutrient deficiency, is important for a strong immune system
⇒⇒ Mushrooms… especially reishi, shiitake and maitake… give your white blood cells a boost.
⇒⇒ Kimchee, pickles, sauerkraut and olives… fermented foods that deliver “good” bacteria to the gut, powering natural defenses against pathogens and creating helpful antibodies.
⇒⇒ Coconut oil… lauric acid converts to monolaurin, the same immune-strengthening compound found in breast milk.

Start adding these immunity-boosting foods to your diet and increase your physical activity to create a powerful one-two punch that knock out sickness, disease and infection.

New! Looking good with Simpli-5…

Here’s everything you need for an everyday makeup look while caring for your skin:

Step 1: Apply YOUTH® BB Cream… a long-wear, 5-in-1 beauty balm that can be used under (or instead of) foundation to cover imperfections and even the look of skin tone. The multitasking formula draws moisture to skin, helps reduce the look of fine lines, and defends skin against damaging UVA/UVB rays. Available in 4 shades for all skin tones.

Step 2: Sculpt your face with Pomifera® Tone: Bronzer + Contour… a simplified bronzing and precision contour stick for the perfect look.

Step 3: Add lip base and blush with Pomifera Tint: Lip + Cheek… a sheer, buildable color stick with a creamy texture and matte finish for use as a lip tint and blush. Makes the perfect base for Glaze: Lip Oil. Available in 3 shades.

Step 4: Volumize your lashes with YOUTH Lash Revitalizing and Conditioning Mascara… a 2-in-1 lash conditioner and mascara that lengthens, volumizes, and lifts to help create fuller-looking lashes. Specially formulated with our Botanical Complex and Lash Protection Complex, this product also helps strengthen lashes and defend against environmental damage. The innovative 2-sided brush enables you to create volume with shorter bristles and add definition with longer bristles

Step 5: Perfect your pout with Pomifera Glaze: Lip Oil… a vegan lip oil with the shine of a gloss, the comfort of a balm, and a touch of sheer color. This high-shine lip oil glides on easily without a sticky feel. Formulated with a proprietary blend of avocado oil and shea butter and infused with anti-aging pomifera oil to moisturize, protect, and nourish the lips. Available in 3 lightly tinted shades.

Directions for use…


Apply to fingertip, placing small dabs of the cream on your face in numerous places. Gently spread and smooth together for a flawless appearance. Apply once for a natural look or layer for more complete coverage.

Pomifera Tone: Bronzer and Contour

Glide across hollows of the cheeks, using fingertips or bronzing brush to blend.

Pomifera Tint: Lip and Cheek

Glide across lips and apples of the cheeks, using fingertips to blend.

YOUTH Lash Revitalizing and Conditioning Mascara

Position wand horizontally and zigzag from side to side, then base to tip, to achieve maximum volume, length, and lift. Hold wand vertically and stroke upward to curl and define lashes. Layer generously as desired.

Pomifera Glaze: Lip Oil

Apply over bare lips or over your favorite lip color.

And remember… all Shaklee products are 100% Money Back Guaranteed.
Even if it’s 100% used up!

The best of both… YOUTH and Pomifera

We all love healthy skin, and Shaklee wants to provide as many options as possible to keep your skin clean, soft, and glowing. This is why Shaklee has added Pomifera to their selection of personal care and skin care solutions.

When you use YOUTH and Pomifera products together, you get a double dose of amazing skin care and beauty technologies from Nature.

YOUTH products are formulated with patent-pending Youth Complex harnessing the power of botanicals to address the multiple signs of aging. With eight patents and patents pending, each and every YOUTH product is specifically formulated to address the multiple effects of aging, whether it be your lifestyle, environmental damage, or natural aging.

Pomifera products are powered by pomifera oil, an anti-aging botanical oil and a potent source of antioxidants, omega-6, and other bioactives. This oil is cold-press isolated from the seeds of the Maclura pomifera fruit and combined with plant oils to create everyday essentials for visibly healthy, glowing skin.

Combining Pomifera with YOUTH Skin Care gives you clean beauty solutions that your skin will love. These two different, yet powerful, product lines used together will keep your skin healthy and radiant.

YOUTH® Ingredients

Aching joints and muscles? Here’s Shaklee’s solution…

No pain, no gain… right? It’s a common expression… but if you were to ask the 50 million people suffering from pain, they would quickly tell you that there is much more to be gained with no pain!

Pain is your body’s warning system, and it can come again and again. Whether it’s because of overuse or activity after long periods of non-use, our joints and muscles especially experience pain. Our bodies fall victim to arthritis, backaches, muscle strains, sore joints, and more, all of which interfere with your quality of life.

Pain aside, Americans thrive on sports and active recreation and are constantly searching for new ways to challenge their bodies. Nevertheless, when the pain occurs, you want immediate relief by the best means possible.

Joint & Muscle Pain Cream is the solution! This amazing product provides quick penetrating relief from pain caused by arthritis, simple backaches, muscle strains and sprains, bruises, and cramps.

♦♦ Soothes aching joints and muscles with a potent menthol formula.
♦♦ Fast absorption.
♦♦ Provides prolonged release action optimizing effectiveness against joint and muscle pain.
♦♦ Improves blood circulation.

Just rub into the affected area and enjoy quick relief… naturally!

And add Pain Relief Complex for a powerful 1-2 punch!

One nutrient that alleviates pain…

Scientific studies have linked a deficiency in vitamin D to an increase in body pain, lower back pain, fibromyalgia and even multiple sclerosis. Evidence suggests that vitamin D is a much more important nutrient than previously thought and in fact behaves more like a hormone than a vitamin in your body.

Since we get vitamin D from sun exposure, most Americans are deficient due to regular use of sunblock. Supplementing with Shaklee Vita-D3 will ensure that you’re getting enough of this critical nutrient.

Shaklee Vita-D

Note: Vita-D3 packaging has been updated and is now even more powerful than the original formula.

Making a Difference! is not an official Shaklee publication. It is compiled from publicly available information and is published for educational purposes only. No promises or guarantees are intended or implied. Copyright © May 2024 SHAIDS[email protected] •  662-262-2260

Shirley Tyson – Issue #257

This issue of Making a Difference! is brought to you by…

Shirley & Rob Tyson
(405) 613-9643
Send Us An Email
Go Shopping


In this issue…

Got immunity? Want more? Nutrients that power immunity…
Ten simple habits that will improve your immune system
The best foods for immune health… New! Looking good with Simpli-5…
The best of both… YOUTH and Pomifera
Aching joints and muscles? Here’s Shaklee’s solution…
One nutrient that alleviates pain…

I bother with my diet because I believe in treating my body fairly. You believe in the prevention of disease, I’m sure. Well, through the use of natural nutrition, you are certainly treating your body fairly.

One thing is certain… treating disease is only necessary AFTER one has lost their health.
Even then, the nutrition way to health will help… regain it.

Yes, I believe in both modalities. I believe in walking for health, but I don’t condemn the use of an auto-mobile or plane in covering long distances.

Remember, a treatment, in itself, is not a cure. It is only an assist to Nature. “ONLY NATURE CURES”.”

~ A Study Course in Nutrition by Forrest Shaklee Sr., DC, DD

Got immunity? Want more?

Throughout life, there are so many things that have a profound effect on your immune system. One of the biggest impacts come directly from the daily habits you adopt as part of your lifestyle. So often we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, relegating building a strong immune system to the backburner. We prioritize everything else… that is until weak immunity gives us a wake-up call in the form of a health crisis.

That’s why it’s so important to become aware of the daily habits that can weaken your immune system and put you on a downward spiral toward poor health. The great news is, you have control over the habits and lifestyle you adopt and with a few simple tweaks, you can start building a super-strong immune system in no time! Read on…

Nutrients that power immunity…

♦♦ Vitamin C (from Sustained Release Vita-C)… a powerful antioxidant and also has a key role in maintaining tooth, gum, bone, muscle, and blood vessel health.

♦♦ Vitamin D (Vita-D3) plays a vital role in your immunity, heart health, calcium absorption, and bone strength.

♦♦ Zinc (Zinc Complex) helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses.
Triple Defense Boost contains all three of these nutrients and much more!

Ten simple habits that will improve your immune system

Here are 10 simple tweaks you can make that will boost your immune system and build the foundation for good health.

1) Reduce sugar. The less sugar you consume, the stronger your immune system gets. Why? Sugar has a negative effect on the white blood cells that fight off bacteria and infection, weakening your immune system. Sugar is found in everything these days so… read labels, cut back on sugary drinks and add more fresh fruits and veggies to your diet. You’ll feel so much better!

2) Have more fun. While it may seem odd, making time to have a little fun each day, let loose, laugh and enjoy life can have a huge impact on your stress level, boosting your immunity.

3) Hydrate! Make sure you drink enough water each and every day. Water plays an important role in providing your cells with enough oxygen. It also assists in removing toxins from your body that can build up and damage your immune system, leading to a plethora of health issues.

4) Wash your hands. When you think about all the places you go and all the things you touch every day, it makes sense to adopt this habit. Scrub your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to eliminate germs and residue. Hand sanitizer is also a great option when you cannot wash.

5) Get outside. Spend as much time as you can in nature… soaking up the sun and breathing in fresh air. Walking can help you clear your head, improve your mood and decrease your stress level… boosting your immune system. The healing power of nature can be found nowhere else.

6) Put your phone down before bed. According to the National Institute of Health, scrolling through your phone right before bed can disrupt your sleep cycle by suppressing melatonin, a natural hormone in your body that prepares you for sleep…. a vital part of a healthy, strong immune system. Instead, create a nighttime routine that doesn’t include electronics. Take a warm, relaxing bubble bath, read a good book or write in your journal to prepare for a night of uninterrupted, restful sleep.

7) Connect with others. Your immune system can be affected by how much connection and socialization you get. Being around others can boost your self-confidence, reduce stress and even strengthen your immune system.

8) Eat your veggies. Vegetables contain a ton of vitamins and minerals that assist your immune system in fighting off germs and illness.

9) Create a self-care routine. In the chaos of everyday life, we often forget to make time for our own needs. When you set aside time to decompress, you’re not only giving yourself the chance to recharge, you’re ultimately helping your immune system to build a wall against illness and infection.

10) Take Shaklee supplements. Actually, the FIRST step you should take to improve your immunity is start on a comprehensive supplementation program to fill in any nutritional gaps that are affecting your health. Begin with Vitalizer, Life Shake, Nutriferon, and Triple Defense Boost. Add Vita-E Complex, B-Complex, Vita-D3 and Zinc Complex if you know your immunity is already compromised.

A strong immune system is the foundation of good health. So take a look at your daily habits and see where you can make some simple tweaks… small changes that will promote a stronger immune system and a healthier YOU.

Health Chat | Immunity

The best foods for immune health…

⇒⇒ Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and elderberries… the most powerful antioxidants
⇒⇒ Flax seeds, walnuts and salmon… for essential fatty acids
⇒⇒ Yogurt… contains probiotics for a healthy gut
⇒⇒ Garlic… the allicin in garlic is a natural antibiotic
⇒⇒ Oysters, lobsters, clams and crabs… for the selenium that produces cytokines, proteins which fight flu viruses
⇒⇒ Black and green tea… for the L-theanine which strengthens immunity
⇒⇒ Lean beef… for zinc, a common nutrient deficiency, is important for a strong immune system
⇒⇒ Mushrooms… especially reishi, shiitake and maitake… give your white blood cells a boost.
⇒⇒ Kimchee, pickles, sauerkraut and olives… fermented foods that deliver “good” bacteria to the gut, powering natural defenses against pathogens and creating helpful antibodies.
⇒⇒ Coconut oil… lauric acid converts to monolaurin, the same immune-strengthening compound found in breast milk.

Start adding these immunity-boosting foods to your diet and increase your physical activity to create a powerful one-two punch that knock out sickness, disease and infection.

New! Looking good with Simpli-5…

Here’s everything you need for an everyday makeup look while caring for your skin:

Step 1: Apply YOUTH® BB Cream… a long-wear, 5-in-1 beauty balm that can be used under (or instead of) foundation to cover imperfections and even the look of skin tone. The multitasking formula draws moisture to skin, helps reduce the look of fine lines, and defends skin against damaging UVA/UVB rays. Available in 4 shades for all skin tones.

Step 2: Sculpt your face with Pomifera® Tone: Bronzer + Contour… a simplified bronzing and precision contour stick for the perfect look.

Step 3: Add lip base and blush with Pomifera Tint: Lip + Cheek… a sheer, buildable color stick with a creamy texture and matte finish for use as a lip tint and blush. Makes the perfect base for Glaze: Lip Oil. Available in 3 shades.

Step 4: Volumize your lashes with YOUTH Lash Revitalizing and Conditioning Mascara… a 2-in-1 lash conditioner and mascara that lengthens, volumizes, and lifts to help create fuller-looking lashes. Specially formulated with our Botanical Complex and Lash Protection Complex, this product also helps strengthen lashes and defend against environmental damage. The innovative 2-sided brush enables you to create volume with shorter bristles and add definition with longer bristles

Step 5: Perfect your pout with Pomifera Glaze: Lip Oil… a vegan lip oil with the shine of a gloss, the comfort of a balm, and a touch of sheer color. This high-shine lip oil glides on easily without a sticky feel. Formulated with a proprietary blend of avocado oil and shea butter and infused with anti-aging pomifera oil to moisturize, protect, and nourish the lips. Available in 3 lightly tinted shades.

Directions for use…


Apply to fingertip, placing small dabs of the cream on your face in numerous places. Gently spread and smooth together for a flawless appearance. Apply once for a natural look or layer for more complete coverage.

Pomifera Tone: Bronzer and Contour

Glide across hollows of the cheeks, using fingertips or bronzing brush to blend.

Pomifera Tint: Lip and Cheek

Glide across lips and apples of the cheeks, using fingertips to blend.

YOUTH Lash Revitalizing and Conditioning Mascara

Position wand horizontally and zigzag from side to side, then base to tip, to achieve maximum volume, length, and lift. Hold wand vertically and stroke upward to curl and define lashes. Layer generously as desired.

Pomifera Glaze: Lip Oil

Apply over bare lips or over your favorite lip color.

And remember… all Shaklee products are 100% Money Back Guaranteed.
Even if it’s 100% used up!

The best of both… YOUTH and Pomifera

We all love healthy skin, and Shaklee wants to provide as many options as possible to keep your skin clean, soft, and glowing. This is why Shaklee has added Pomifera to their selection of personal care and skin care solutions.

When you use YOUTH and Pomifera products together, you get a double dose of amazing skin care and beauty technologies from Nature.

YOUTH products are formulated with patent-pending Youth Complex harnessing the power of botanicals to address the multiple signs of aging. With eight patents and patents pending, each and every YOUTH product is specifically formulated to address the multiple effects of aging, whether it be your lifestyle, environmental damage, or natural aging.

Pomifera products are powered by pomifera oil, an anti-aging botanical oil and a potent source of antioxidants, omega-6, and other bioactives. This oil is cold-press isolated from the seeds of the Maclura pomifera fruit and combined with plant oils to create everyday essentials for visibly healthy, glowing skin.

Combining Pomifera with YOUTH Skin Care gives you clean beauty solutions that your skin will love. These two different, yet powerful, product lines used together will keep your skin healthy and radiant.

YOUTH® Ingredients

Aching joints and muscles? Here’s Shaklee’s solution…

No pain, no gain… right? It’s a common expression… but if you were to ask the 50 million people suffering from pain, they would quickly tell you that there is much more to be gained with no pain!

Pain is your body’s warning system, and it can come again and again. Whether it’s because of overuse or activity after long periods of non-use, our joints and muscles especially experience pain. Our bodies fall victim to arthritis, backaches, muscle strains, sore joints, and more, all of which interfere with your quality of life.

Pain aside, Americans thrive on sports and active recreation and are constantly searching for new ways to challenge their bodies. Nevertheless, when the pain occurs, you want immediate relief by the best means possible.

Joint & Muscle Pain Cream is the solution! This amazing product provides quick penetrating relief from pain caused by arthritis, simple backaches, muscle strains and sprains, bruises, and cramps.

♦♦ Soothes aching joints and muscles with a potent menthol formula.
♦♦ Fast absorption.
♦♦ Provides prolonged release action optimizing effectiveness against joint and muscle pain.
♦♦ Improves blood circulation.

Just rub into the affected area and enjoy quick relief… naturally!

And add Pain Relief Complex for a powerful 1-2 punch!

One nutrient that alleviates pain…

Scientific studies have linked a deficiency in vitamin D to an increase in body pain, lower back pain, fibromyalgia and even multiple sclerosis. Evidence suggests that vitamin D is a much more important nutrient than previously thought and in fact behaves more like a hormone than a vitamin in your body.

Since we get vitamin D from sun exposure, most Americans are deficient due to regular use of sunblock. Supplementing with Shaklee Vita-D3 will ensure that you’re getting enough of this critical nutrient.

Shaklee Vita-D

Note: Vita-D3 packaging has been updated and is now even more powerful than the original formula.

Making a Difference! is not an official Shaklee publication. It is compiled from publicly available information and is published for educational purposes only. No promises or guarantees are intended or implied. Copyright © May 2024 SHAIDS[email protected] •  662-262-2260

Donna Titus – Issue #257

This issue of Making a Difference! is brought to you by…

Partnership in Wellness
Donna Titus
(843) 235-9800 office • (301) 928-2357 cell

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In this issue…

Got immunity? Want more? Nutrients that power immunity…
Ten simple habits that will improve your immune system
The best foods for immune health… New! Looking good with Simpli-5…
The best of both… YOUTH and Pomifera
Aching joints and muscles? Here’s Shaklee’s solution…
One nutrient that alleviates pain…

I bother with my diet because I believe in treating my body fairly. You believe in the prevention of disease, I’m sure. Well, through the use of natural nutrition, you are certainly treating your body fairly.

One thing is certain… treating disease is only necessary AFTER one has lost their health.
Even then, the nutrition way to health will help… regain it.

Yes, I believe in both modalities. I believe in walking for health, but I don’t condemn the use of an auto-mobile or plane in covering long distances.

Remember, a treatment, in itself, is not a cure. It is only an assist to Nature. “ONLY NATURE CURES”.”

~ A Study Course in Nutrition by Forrest Shaklee Sr., DC, DD

Got immunity? Want more?

Throughout life, there are so many things that have a profound effect on your immune system. One of the biggest impacts come directly from the daily habits you adopt as part of your lifestyle. So often we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, relegating building a strong immune system to the backburner. We prioritize everything else… that is until weak immunity gives us a wake-up call in the form of a health crisis.

That’s why it’s so important to become aware of the daily habits that can weaken your immune system and put you on a downward spiral toward poor health. The great news is, you have control over the habits and lifestyle you adopt and with a few simple tweaks, you can start building a super-strong immune system in no time! Read on…

Nutrients that power immunity…

♦♦ Vitamin C (from Sustained Release Vita-C)… a powerful antioxidant and also has a key role in maintaining tooth, gum, bone, muscle, and blood vessel health.

♦♦ Vitamin D (Vita-D3) plays a vital role in your immunity, heart health, calcium absorption, and bone strength.

♦♦ Zinc (Zinc Complex) helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses.
Triple Defense Boost contains all three of these nutrients and much more!

Ten simple habits that will improve your immune system

Here are 10 simple tweaks you can make that will boost your immune system and build the foundation for good health.

1) Reduce sugar. The less sugar you consume, the stronger your immune system gets. Why? Sugar has a negative effect on the white blood cells that fight off bacteria and infection, weakening your immune system. Sugar is found in everything these days so… read labels, cut back on sugary drinks and add more fresh fruits and veggies to your diet. You’ll feel so much better!

2) Have more fun. While it may seem odd, making time to have a little fun each day, let loose, laugh and enjoy life can have a huge impact on your stress level, boosting your immunity.

3) Hydrate! Make sure you drink enough water each and every day. Water plays an important role in providing your cells with enough oxygen. It also assists in removing toxins from your body that can build up and damage your immune system, leading to a plethora of health issues.

4) Wash your hands. When you think about all the places you go and all the things you touch every day, it makes sense to adopt this habit. Scrub your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to eliminate germs and residue. Hand sanitizer is also a great option when you cannot wash.

5) Get outside. Spend as much time as you can in nature… soaking up the sun and breathing in fresh air. Walking can help you clear your head, improve your mood and decrease your stress level… boosting your immune system. The healing power of nature can be found nowhere else.

6) Put your phone down before bed. According to the National Institute of Health, scrolling through your phone right before bed can disrupt your sleep cycle by suppressing melatonin, a natural hormone in your body that prepares you for sleep…. a vital part of a healthy, strong immune system. Instead, create a nighttime routine that doesn’t include electronics. Take a warm, relaxing bubble bath, read a good book or write in your journal to prepare for a night of uninterrupted, restful sleep.

7) Connect with others. Your immune system can be affected by how much connection and socialization you get. Being around others can boost your self-confidence, reduce stress and even strengthen your immune system.

8) Eat your veggies. Vegetables contain a ton of vitamins and minerals that assist your immune system in fighting off germs and illness.

9) Create a self-care routine. In the chaos of everyday life, we often forget to make time for our own needs. When you set aside time to decompress, you’re not only giving yourself the chance to recharge, you’re ultimately helping your immune system to build a wall against illness and infection.

10) Take Shaklee supplements. Actually, the FIRST step you should take to improve your immunity is start on a comprehensive supplementation program to fill in any nutritional gaps that are affecting your health. Begin with Vitalizer, Life Shake, Nutriferon, and Triple Defense Boost. Add Vita-E Complex, B-Complex, Vita-D3 and Zinc Complex if you know your immunity is already compromised.

A strong immune system is the foundation of good health. So take a look at your daily habits and see where you can make some simple tweaks… small changes that will promote a stronger immune system and a healthier YOU.

Health Chat | Immunity

The best foods for immune health…

⇒⇒ Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and elderberries… the most powerful antioxidants
⇒⇒ Flax seeds, walnuts and salmon… for essential fatty acids
⇒⇒ Yogurt… contains probiotics for a healthy gut
⇒⇒ Garlic… the allicin in garlic is a natural antibiotic
⇒⇒ Oysters, lobsters, clams and crabs… for the selenium that produces cytokines, proteins which fight flu viruses
⇒⇒ Black and green tea… for the L-theanine which strengthens immunity
⇒⇒ Lean beef… for zinc, a common nutrient deficiency, is important for a strong immune system
⇒⇒ Mushrooms… especially reishi, shiitake and maitake… give your white blood cells a boost.
⇒⇒ Kimchee, pickles, sauerkraut and olives… fermented foods that deliver “good” bacteria to the gut, powering natural defenses against pathogens and creating helpful antibodies.
⇒⇒ Coconut oil… lauric acid converts to monolaurin, the same immune-strengthening compound found in breast milk.

Start adding these immunity-boosting foods to your diet and increase your physical activity to create a powerful one-two punch that knock out sickness, disease and infection.

New! Looking good with Simpli-5…

Here’s everything you need for an everyday makeup look while caring for your skin:

Step 1: Apply YOUTH® BB Cream… a long-wear, 5-in-1 beauty balm that can be used under (or instead of) foundation to cover imperfections and even the look of skin tone. The multitasking formula draws moisture to skin, helps reduce the look of fine lines, and defends skin against damaging UVA/UVB rays. Available in 4 shades for all skin tones.

Step 2: Sculpt your face with Pomifera® Tone: Bronzer + Contour… a simplified bronzing and precision contour stick for the perfect look.

Step 3: Add lip base and blush with Pomifera Tint: Lip + Cheek… a sheer, buildable color stick with a creamy texture and matte finish for use as a lip tint and blush. Makes the perfect base for Glaze: Lip Oil. Available in 3 shades.

Step 4: Volumize your lashes with YOUTH Lash Revitalizing and Conditioning Mascara… a 2-in-1 lash conditioner and mascara that lengthens, volumizes, and lifts to help create fuller-looking lashes. Specially formulated with our Botanical Complex and Lash Protection Complex, this product also helps strengthen lashes and defend against environmental damage. The innovative 2-sided brush enables you to create volume with shorter bristles and add definition with longer bristles

Step 5: Perfect your pout with Pomifera Glaze: Lip Oil… a vegan lip oil with the shine of a gloss, the comfort of a balm, and a touch of sheer color. This high-shine lip oil glides on easily without a sticky feel. Formulated with a proprietary blend of avocado oil and shea butter and infused with anti-aging pomifera oil to moisturize, protect, and nourish the lips. Available in 3 lightly tinted shades.

Directions for use…


Apply to fingertip, placing small dabs of the cream on your face in numerous places. Gently spread and smooth together for a flawless appearance. Apply once for a natural look or layer for more complete coverage.

Pomifera Tone: Bronzer and Contour

Glide across hollows of the cheeks, using fingertips or bronzing brush to blend.

Pomifera Tint: Lip and Cheek

Glide across lips and apples of the cheeks, using fingertips to blend.

YOUTH Lash Revitalizing and Conditioning Mascara

Position wand horizontally and zigzag from side to side, then base to tip, to achieve maximum volume, length, and lift. Hold wand vertically and stroke upward to curl and define lashes. Layer generously as desired.

Pomifera Glaze: Lip Oil

Apply over bare lips or over your favorite lip color.

And remember… all Shaklee products are 100% Money Back Guaranteed.
Even if it’s 100% used up!

The best of both… YOUTH and Pomifera

We all love healthy skin, and Shaklee wants to provide as many options as possible to keep your skin clean, soft, and glowing. This is why Shaklee has added Pomifera to their selection of personal care and skin care solutions.

When you use YOUTH and Pomifera products together, you get a double dose of amazing skin care and beauty technologies from Nature.

YOUTH products are formulated with patent-pending Youth Complex harnessing the power of botanicals to address the multiple signs of aging. With eight patents and patents pending, each and every YOUTH product is specifically formulated to address the multiple effects of aging, whether it be your lifestyle, environmental damage, or natural aging.

Pomifera products are powered by pomifera oil, an anti-aging botanical oil and a potent source of antioxidants, omega-6, and other bioactives. This oil is cold-press isolated from the seeds of the Maclura pomifera fruit and combined with plant oils to create everyday essentials for visibly healthy, glowing skin.

Combining Pomifera with YOUTH Skin Care gives you clean beauty solutions that your skin will love. These two different, yet powerful, product lines used together will keep your skin healthy and radiant.

YOUTH® Ingredients

Aching joints and muscles? Here’s Shaklee’s solution…

No pain, no gain… right? It’s a common expression… but if you were to ask the 50 million people suffering from pain, they would quickly tell you that there is much more to be gained with no pain!

Pain is your body’s warning system, and it can come again and again. Whether it’s because of overuse or activity after long periods of non-use, our joints and muscles especially experience pain. Our bodies fall victim to arthritis, backaches, muscle strains, sore joints, and more, all of which interfere with your quality of life.

Pain aside, Americans thrive on sports and active recreation and are constantly searching for new ways to challenge their bodies. Nevertheless, when the pain occurs, you want immediate relief by the best means possible.

Joint & Muscle Pain Cream is the solution! This amazing product provides quick penetrating relief from pain caused by arthritis, simple backaches, muscle strains and sprains, bruises, and cramps.

♦♦ Soothes aching joints and muscles with a potent menthol formula.
♦♦ Fast absorption.
♦♦ Provides prolonged release action optimizing effectiveness against joint and muscle pain.
♦♦ Improves blood circulation.

Just rub into the affected area and enjoy quick relief… naturally!

And add Pain Relief Complex for a powerful 1-2 punch!

One nutrient that alleviates pain…

Scientific studies have linked a deficiency in vitamin D to an increase in body pain, lower back pain, fibromyalgia and even multiple sclerosis. Evidence suggests that vitamin D is a much more important nutrient than previously thought and in fact behaves more like a hormone than a vitamin in your body.

Since we get vitamin D from sun exposure, most Americans are deficient due to regular use of sunblock. Supplementing with Shaklee Vita-D3 will ensure that you’re getting enough of this critical nutrient.

Shaklee Vita-D

Note: Vita-D3 packaging has been updated and is now even more powerful than the original formula.

Making a Difference! is not an official Shaklee publication. It is compiled from publicly available information and is published for educational purposes only. No promises or guarantees are intended or implied. Copyright © May 2024 SHAIDS[email protected] •  662-262-2260

Barbara Theriault – Issue #257

This issue of Making a Difference! is brought to you by…

Barbara Theriault

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In this issue…

Got immunity? Want more? Nutrients that power immunity…
Ten simple habits that will improve your immune system
The best foods for immune health… New! Looking good with Simpli-5…
The best of both… YOUTH and Pomifera
Aching joints and muscles? Here’s Shaklee’s solution…
One nutrient that alleviates pain…

I bother with my diet because I believe in treating my body fairly. You believe in the prevention of disease, I’m sure. Well, through the use of natural nutrition, you are certainly treating your body fairly.

One thing is certain… treating disease is only necessary AFTER one has lost their health.
Even then, the nutrition way to health will help… regain it.

Yes, I believe in both modalities. I believe in walking for health, but I don’t condemn the use of an auto-mobile or plane in covering long distances.

Remember, a treatment, in itself, is not a cure. It is only an assist to Nature. “ONLY NATURE CURES”.”

~ A Study Course in Nutrition by Forrest Shaklee Sr., DC, DD

Got immunity? Want more?

Throughout life, there are so many things that have a profound effect on your immune system. One of the biggest impacts come directly from the daily habits you adopt as part of your lifestyle. So often we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, relegating building a strong immune system to the backburner. We prioritize everything else… that is until weak immunity gives us a wake-up call in the form of a health crisis.

That’s why it’s so important to become aware of the daily habits that can weaken your immune system and put you on a downward spiral toward poor health. The great news is, you have control over the habits and lifestyle you adopt and with a few simple tweaks, you can start building a super-strong immune system in no time! Read on…

Nutrients that power immunity…

♦♦ Vitamin C (from Sustained Release Vita-C)… a powerful antioxidant and also has a key role in maintaining tooth, gum, bone, muscle, and blood vessel health.

♦♦ Vitamin D (Vita-D3) plays a vital role in your immunity, heart health, calcium absorption, and bone strength.

♦♦ Zinc (Zinc Complex) helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses.
Triple Defense Boost contains all three of these nutrients and much more!

Ten simple habits that will improve your immune system

Here are 10 simple tweaks you can make that will boost your immune system and build the foundation for good health.

1) Reduce sugar. The less sugar you consume, the stronger your immune system gets. Why? Sugar has a negative effect on the white blood cells that fight off bacteria and infection, weakening your immune system. Sugar is found in everything these days so… read labels, cut back on sugary drinks and add more fresh fruits and veggies to your diet. You’ll feel so much better!

2) Have more fun. While it may seem odd, making time to have a little fun each day, let loose, laugh and enjoy life can have a huge impact on your stress level, boosting your immunity.

3) Hydrate! Make sure you drink enough water each and every day. Water plays an important role in providing your cells with enough oxygen. It also assists in removing toxins from your body that can build up and damage your immune system, leading to a plethora of health issues.

4) Wash your hands. When you think about all the places you go and all the things you touch every day, it makes sense to adopt this habit. Scrub your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to eliminate germs and residue. Hand sanitizer is also a great option when you cannot wash.

5) Get outside. Spend as much time as you can in nature… soaking up the sun and breathing in fresh air. Walking can help you clear your head, improve your mood and decrease your stress level… boosting your immune system. The healing power of nature can be found nowhere else.

6) Put your phone down before bed. According to the National Institute of Health, scrolling through your phone right before bed can disrupt your sleep cycle by suppressing melatonin, a natural hormone in your body that prepares you for sleep…. a vital part of a healthy, strong immune system. Instead, create a nighttime routine that doesn’t include electronics. Take a warm, relaxing bubble bath, read a good book or write in your journal to prepare for a night of uninterrupted, restful sleep.

7) Connect with others. Your immune system can be affected by how much connection and socialization you get. Being around others can boost your self-confidence, reduce stress and even strengthen your immune system.

8) Eat your veggies. Vegetables contain a ton of vitamins and minerals that assist your immune system in fighting off germs and illness.

9) Create a self-care routine. In the chaos of everyday life, we often forget to make time for our own needs. When you set aside time to decompress, you’re not only giving yourself the chance to recharge, you’re ultimately helping your immune system to build a wall against illness and infection.

10) Take Shaklee supplements. Actually, the FIRST step you should take to improve your immunity is start on a comprehensive supplementation program to fill in any nutritional gaps that are affecting your health. Begin with Vitalizer, Life Shake, Nutriferon, and Triple Defense Boost. Add Vita-E Complex, B-Complex, Vita-D3 and Zinc Complex if you know your immunity is already compromised.

A strong immune system is the foundation of good health. So take a look at your daily habits and see where you can make some simple tweaks… small changes that will promote a stronger immune system and a healthier YOU.

Health Chat | Immunity

The best foods for immune health…

⇒⇒ Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and elderberries… the most powerful antioxidants
⇒⇒ Flax seeds, walnuts and salmon… for essential fatty acids
⇒⇒ Yogurt… contains probiotics for a healthy gut
⇒⇒ Garlic… the allicin in garlic is a natural antibiotic
⇒⇒ Oysters, lobsters, clams and crabs… for the selenium that produces cytokines, proteins which fight flu viruses
⇒⇒ Black and green tea… for the L-theanine which strengthens immunity
⇒⇒ Lean beef… for zinc, a common nutrient deficiency, is important for a strong immune system
⇒⇒ Mushrooms… especially reishi, shiitake and maitake… give your white blood cells a boost.
⇒⇒ Kimchee, pickles, sauerkraut and olives… fermented foods that deliver “good” bacteria to the gut, powering natural defenses against pathogens and creating helpful antibodies.
⇒⇒ Coconut oil… lauric acid converts to monolaurin, the same immune-strengthening compound found in breast milk.

Start adding these immunity-boosting foods to your diet and increase your physical activity to create a powerful one-two punch that knock out sickness, disease and infection.

New! Looking good with Simpli-5…

Here’s everything you need for an everyday makeup look while caring for your skin:

Step 1: Apply YOUTH® BB Cream… a long-wear, 5-in-1 beauty balm that can be used under (or instead of) foundation to cover imperfections and even the look of skin tone. The multitasking formula draws moisture to skin, helps reduce the look of fine lines, and defends skin against damaging UVA/UVB rays. Available in 4 shades for all skin tones.

Step 2: Sculpt your face with Pomifera® Tone: Bronzer + Contour… a simplified bronzing and precision contour stick for the perfect look.

Step 3: Add lip base and blush with Pomifera Tint: Lip + Cheek… a sheer, buildable color stick with a creamy texture and matte finish for use as a lip tint and blush. Makes the perfect base for Glaze: Lip Oil. Available in 3 shades.

Step 4: Volumize your lashes with YOUTH Lash Revitalizing and Conditioning Mascara… a 2-in-1 lash conditioner and mascara that lengthens, volumizes, and lifts to help create fuller-looking lashes. Specially formulated with our Botanical Complex and Lash Protection Complex, this product also helps strengthen lashes and defend against environmental damage. The innovative 2-sided brush enables you to create volume with shorter bristles and add definition with longer bristles

Step 5: Perfect your pout with Pomifera Glaze: Lip Oil… a vegan lip oil with the shine of a gloss, the comfort of a balm, and a touch of sheer color. This high-shine lip oil glides on easily without a sticky feel. Formulated with a proprietary blend of avocado oil and shea butter and infused with anti-aging pomifera oil to moisturize, protect, and nourish the lips. Available in 3 lightly tinted shades.

Directions for use…


Apply to fingertip, placing small dabs of the cream on your face in numerous places. Gently spread and smooth together for a flawless appearance. Apply once for a natural look or layer for more complete coverage.

Pomifera Tone: Bronzer and Contour

Glide across hollows of the cheeks, using fingertips or bronzing brush to blend.

Pomifera Tint: Lip and Cheek

Glide across lips and apples of the cheeks, using fingertips to blend.

YOUTH Lash Revitalizing and Conditioning Mascara

Position wand horizontally and zigzag from side to side, then base to tip, to achieve maximum volume, length, and lift. Hold wand vertically and stroke upward to curl and define lashes. Layer generously as desired.

Pomifera Glaze: Lip Oil

Apply over bare lips or over your favorite lip color.

And remember… all Shaklee products are 100% Money Back Guaranteed.
Even if it’s 100% used up!

The best of both… YOUTH and Pomifera

We all love healthy skin, and Shaklee wants to provide as many options as possible to keep your skin clean, soft, and glowing. This is why Shaklee has added Pomifera to their selection of personal care and skin care solutions.

When you use YOUTH and Pomifera products together, you get a double dose of amazing skin care and beauty technologies from Nature.

YOUTH products are formulated with patent-pending Youth Complex harnessing the power of botanicals to address the multiple signs of aging. With eight patents and patents pending, each and every YOUTH product is specifically formulated to address the multiple effects of aging, whether it be your lifestyle, environmental damage, or natural aging.

Pomifera products are powered by pomifera oil, an anti-aging botanical oil and a potent source of antioxidants, omega-6, and other bioactives. This oil is cold-press isolated from the seeds of the Maclura pomifera fruit and combined with plant oils to create everyday essentials for visibly healthy, glowing skin.

Combining Pomifera with YOUTH Skin Care gives you clean beauty solutions that your skin will love. These two different, yet powerful, product lines used together will keep your skin healthy and radiant.

YOUTH® Ingredients

Aching joints and muscles? Here’s Shaklee’s solution…

No pain, no gain… right? It’s a common expression… but if you were to ask the 50 million people suffering from pain, they would quickly tell you that there is much more to be gained with no pain!

Pain is your body’s warning system, and it can come again and again. Whether it’s because of overuse or activity after long periods of non-use, our joints and muscles especially experience pain. Our bodies fall victim to arthritis, backaches, muscle strains, sore joints, and more, all of which interfere with your quality of life.

Pain aside, Americans thrive on sports and active recreation and are constantly searching for new ways to challenge their bodies. Nevertheless, when the pain occurs, you want immediate relief by the best means possible.

Joint & Muscle Pain Cream is the solution! This amazing product provides quick penetrating relief from pain caused by arthritis, simple backaches, muscle strains and sprains, bruises, and cramps.

♦♦ Soothes aching joints and muscles with a potent menthol formula.
♦♦ Fast absorption.
♦♦ Provides prolonged release action optimizing effectiveness against joint and muscle pain.
♦♦ Improves blood circulation.

Just rub into the affected area and enjoy quick relief… naturally!

And add Pain Relief Complex for a powerful 1-2 punch!

One nutrient that alleviates pain…

Scientific studies have linked a deficiency in vitamin D to an increase in body pain, lower back pain, fibromyalgia and even multiple sclerosis. Evidence suggests that vitamin D is a much more important nutrient than previously thought and in fact behaves more like a hormone than a vitamin in your body.

Since we get vitamin D from sun exposure, most Americans are deficient due to regular use of sunblock. Supplementing with Shaklee Vita-D3 will ensure that you’re getting enough of this critical nutrient.

Shaklee Vita-D

Note: Vita-D3 packaging has been updated and is now even more powerful than the original formula.

Making a Difference! is not an official Shaklee publication. It is compiled from publicly available information and is published for educational purposes only. No promises or guarantees are intended or implied. Copyright © May 2024 SHAIDS[email protected] •  662-262-2260